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    I hope I didn’t sound a food prig! I have a glass of wine at the weekend and I bake one thing every week so there is a muffin or a biscuit or whatever to enjoy after dinner. Sugar in those!
    But everyone here is sensible about food so nothing to fret about. I do think it’s dreadful the way schoolchildren are targeted by endless cheap chicken shops and the way it’s so difficult to ear healthily on a very tight budget especially for those who live in food deserts.


      Sum, I think food deserts are another concern for families on tight budgets. If you can't easily get to shops which sell fresh food it's another barrier and you can understand why people find it hard to eat healthier food.

      Interestingly, we have a very good, award-winning family bakery in our village. There is nearly always a queue stretching out onto the pavement (a rare sight in itself for shops these days) and in term-time it's mostly students from the college. They nearly all buy filled baps which are freshly made and very good value. So perhaps there's a generation growing up who are making good choices when they are available.

      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)

