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Supermarket shock

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    Supermarket shock

    Today I was shopping in Tesco when I suddenly heard a terrific bang just behind me. A man had fallen flat on his back and was having a seizure. Another customer said we should put him in the recovery position but when I tried to move his legs he was stiff as a board . The other customer was talking to the poor man and calmly reassuring him.I just shouted out to get an ambulance as by then we could see a terrific injury to the back of his head which was literally dripping blood into a dinner plate size pool. Help soon arrived and the aisle was blocked off and screens were brought. When I left the shop the ambulance and police had arrived. Then a minute later the air ambulance arrived but had to land on the other side of the main road. A police car tore off to collect the helicopter crew. Unfortunately I wouldn’t be surprised if the poor man had fractured his skull as the sound he made when he hit the floor was awful and the floor was so hard. I really hope he is alright. I wish I could find out. They don’t send for the air ambulance for nothing. I’m glad I support them whenever I can.

    Oh dear Clover what a shock for you and everyone .
    That poor man I do hope he is ok , maybe when your next in you can enquire if they know how he is.

    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oh my goodness Clover. What a shock for you. That poor man, how terrible.

      I really hope he is OK.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Oh, Clover, how awful for the poor man, and how traumatic for you, too, but you did everything you could to help him. I'm sure your nurse instinct kicked in to think so quickly.

        It may well be on your local radio news or local paper, but I'm sure the staff at Tesco will also know what happened.

        The air ambulance is an amazing service. One day when I was waiting for OH having an eye injection I saw first one helicopter landing then about half an hour later there was another. You just feel sick for what might be happening to those poor patients.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)

