

sending love

to dear Daisy and her family
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    I have told you about the accidents on our back road as it’s on a bend and cars come up and down far too fast,
    We have had several lamp posts knocked down.
    Yesterday we were going to Bs mams and as we turned the corner to get out of the road , it was blocked by Police cars.
    We had to turn around and go up the other way to get out ,
    Couldnt see what was going on but as we came around the diversion there was traffic cones at the bottom of the road blocking that access too.

    We found out today some young 33 yr old man is fighting for his life with serious head injuries after wrapping his car around another lamp post .
    It had happened in the early hours of the morning and the police were still there when we came back at lunch time so we knew it was serious.
    They are appealing for any cctv , doorbell or dash cam evidence as they think there were another two people in the car who had left the scene before the police arrived .

    Something has to be done with this road , it’s a usually quiet perimeter road but people dont realise how blind and sharp the bend is ,
    Of course rumours are flying around , stolen car , drugs , drink etc and as the two passengers ran off you can understand why .

    Some poor family will be going through agony today so I don’t think these rumours help.
    The local paper said DRs have said if he survives his life will be dramatically changed .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Oma, how devastating for the young man, whatever the rights and wrongs are in the cause of the crash.

    Have you been in touch with your local councillor to ask for safety improvements for this road? They would probably forward it to the local Highways Department but if enough people raise their concerns something might get done.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      It's terrible Oma . Poor man and his family.

      What is the speed limit on that stretch of road?
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Yes Daisy quite a few people have raised the matter with our local councillors but so far nothing is being done ,
        It's 30 the only thing we have had done is those face light signs that go green and smile if your 30 or under at both end of the road .
        Those who are racing down don't care and late at night they must think it doesn't matter , not realising when it's dark it's even harder to see around the bend
        We all say the same road humps won't work we need those road calmers where you have to stop for oncoming traffic and veer to the other side of the road to get through .

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          This is tragic Oma. Something needs to be done and soon.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Oma, I think I've mentioned before that we've got 'pinch points' on one Forest road out of our village. They are very effective but the road is dead straight for most of its length. Initially they installed one pinch on a bend and it had to be removed as you couldn't see oncoming traffic.

            They obviously need to do something before any more accidents happen.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)

