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Children’s Dressing up ideas required please

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    Children’s Dressing up ideas required please

    DD2 is a TA. She is with a reception class this year. She has said they have a dress up box with not a lot in it. I have volunteered to make some outfits. (Why!)
    Apparently they need to be ‘role play’. (She asked on FB and wished she hadn’t 🙄).
    I was going to make a nurses outfit, then remembered they all wear scrubs now and that would involve removing clothes!
    Has anyone got any brilliant suggestions please?
    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
    Eleanor Roosevelt.

    Mmm that is difficult, most things like air hostesses have formal suits. How about a baker? Can’t do a chimney sweep they wouldn’t know what that was. A Doctor? Window cleaner? Farmer? Waitress, Waiter. Chef? Vicar, Bride, I think that is my lot Grauntie
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Some good ideas there Plant. Thanks!
      Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
      Eleanor Roosevelt.


        What about a spaceman/woman, a firefighter, a police officer, anyone who wears a hard hat and a hi-viz jacket (eg a builder), national costumes to represent the nationalities of the children in the class, characters from books/films etc (they might also be useful for World Book Day for the children whose parents aren't able to make or get a costume for them).

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Grauntie, I used to work in a charity shop, we got so many costumes in, all types and sizes, much easier then making them, I used to say the same for dolls clothes as well, I love sewing, but, those small fiddly things don't interest me.


            Daisy, great ideas. Thank you.
            Lizzie, having said I would make some, I don’t really want to but I know once I start I will be in my idea of Heaven. I will scour the charity shops for helmets, toy stethoscopes etc. I will also ask on freecycle.
            Thank you ladies.
            Inspired now, weyhey…😁
            Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
            Eleanor Roosevelt.


              When I worked in a playgroup someone made us a few capes. Boys, who are often resistant to dress up, LOVED these capes! She put Batman and Superman logos on, but even a plain one would go down well

              Most girls love princess type costumes in my experience.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                My GN pephew who is 3 loves to dress up ,His Mummy bought two high viz vests from Amazon (kiddies size ) and cut out Police and men at work stickers from sticky back plastic to put on,

                I find little girls love handbags and my other G niece who is also 3 loves those elasticated Tutu’s, she has a rainbow one just made of strips of bright strips of cloth
                It doesn’t have to be perfect just durable.

                Capes are a brilliant idea you can make them for boys and girls , a little crown design or unicorn for girls would go down well they will think they are a princess.

                Im not fat just 6ft too small

