Oma commented elsewhere -
We have just been to Aldi
Not one checkout open and all the self service tills were card only .
I told a lie and said I didn’t have a card on me so they had to open a till,
Once we put our stuff on the belt a queue quickly built up behind us , people still want checkouts so why force the self service onto us.
I agree, Oma, I hate the self-service checkouts and try to avoid them at all costs.
On Saturday DIL2 and I went into Sainsbury's for school uniform clothes. No food. There were huge queues at the two proper tills and as the girls were hungry and it was getting late for lunch we used a self-service till. A member of staff had to come and help us for almost every item because the system doesn't recognise the lack of weight of say 3 pairs of socks or undies. When I tried to fold GD2's pinafore dresses it went into meltdown! It would have been funny if it wasn't so frustrating. There were about 5 members of staff hovering round the SS tills who could have been more usefully employed giving customers what they want - a normal check-out.
We have just been to Aldi
Not one checkout open and all the self service tills were card only .
I told a lie and said I didn’t have a card on me so they had to open a till,
Once we put our stuff on the belt a queue quickly built up behind us , people still want checkouts so why force the self service onto us.
I agree, Oma, I hate the self-service checkouts and try to avoid them at all costs.
On Saturday DIL2 and I went into Sainsbury's for school uniform clothes. No food. There were huge queues at the two proper tills and as the girls were hungry and it was getting late for lunch we used a self-service till. A member of staff had to come and help us for almost every item because the system doesn't recognise the lack of weight of say 3 pairs of socks or undies. When I tried to fold GD2's pinafore dresses it went into meltdown! It would have been funny if it wasn't so frustrating. There were about 5 members of staff hovering round the SS tills who could have been more usefully employed giving customers what they want - a normal check-out.
