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How old is old?

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    How old is old?

    Some people may consider a forum for grandmothers is full of 'old people '.

    I don't think this way about us at all
    We know we are no longer young and for many of us our bodies remind us of that . Our minds and attitude are not 'old'.
    To young people we definitely would be seen as old I realise.

    What prompted this thread was a book I am reading. It's a good book by an author I like. However it is driving me nuts as a 70 year old woman is constantly being referred to as the old lady. At one point someone who is going to visit her says 'old people like to talk '.

    It's really annoying me! I will be 70 next year and despite my aches and pains I do not think of myself or friends my age as old ladies!
    The majority of OH's golf friends are in their 70s and some in their 80's. They don't act, dress or think like old people.

    Someone once referred to our cat sitter friend as ' your elderly cat sitter' She was in her late 70s at the time and I didn't think of her as elderly at all. She would not have been impressed if she'd known.
    I didn't think of my mum as old at 70, just the older generation. I think she was well into her 80s and becoming frail when I realised she was old.

    My auntie is old, she's 94, but I am not old yet.
    I don't know when I will be!

    I feel I must contact the author about this!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    You are quite right Gemini, 70 is certainly not old not by todays standard. Now I will be 85 in October and I do think I am elderly and some days feel it.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Oh I so agree ,
      What I hate is when newspapers print a story and put elderly grandmother 65😱
      or the adverts for senior citizens over 50 life plan Grrr

      MIL is 89 and yes she’s not as sprightly as she was but she’s not in bad shape and although looks old in her mind and spirit she’s not .
      I feel my age if I’m unwell but otherwise don’t class myself as old at all
      In fact I was telling my friend only last week ,
      We went into Iceland on a Tuesday sometime ago and it’s 20% off for over 60s on a Tuesday and I was quite put out that the cashiers automatically took the 20% off just looking at me😁😁😁

      in my Mothers generation she would have been 103 now , once you hit 50 you were classed as old but these days people are not old till they are in their 90s I think .

      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        I don't class myself as old, maybe others do! When I did coffee mornings I always said "for the elderly, older than me"! I met 2 of the ladies this morning, they will both be 90 next year, very active ladies, off they go with their walkers to walk round the village and call somewhere for a chat and a coffee! Are they old or just elderly??? Who can say. I know people that are much younger and certainly not as active.


          I'm 72 and i don't class myself as old. As the saying goes, age is just a number.
          Hubby is 75, and hates being called old.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            I remember starting to complete a questionnaire about rail travel a couple of years ago, untilI saw the bit that asked you to tick the box according to your age group. The highest age group was OVER 50! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

            I’m 80 and certainly don’t consider myself “old” although I’m sure most people would say 80 is old, but I’m still fairly sprightly and the wrinkles don’t look too bad in low light. 🤣🤣
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Well we all agree. We are definitely not old!

              On this topic I was remembering GS3's recent birthday. I was in their kitchen when DD and SIL's friend, C, who was staying for the weekend was making drinks for people. I was having Earl Grey and OH coffee. C asked she she make proper coffee or instant. DD3 said ''Oh, real coffee'. C said 'Well I only asked because I noticed a lot of the older generation prefer instant coffee'! I said 'Well I don't know about that but we certainly don't.'

              I thought it was a bit of a sweeping statement. Plenty of young households only serve instant because that is what they prefer, I don't think it is an age thing. My mum only even bought and served instant, my auntie, the same age buys the Taylors ground coffee bags. Easier than cafetiere when she is on her own.
              People have funny ideas sometimes.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem, I read only today that coffee is/has overtaken tea as our number 1 hot drink, but I hadn't thought of instant versus "proper" coffee as being age-related. We only have coffee pods or cafetiere , but I used to drink instant coffee at work because it was more convenient.

                I agree - it's a very sweeping statement to say it's age related.
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)

