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Exam result day

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    Exam result day

    Today lots of our young people will be getting their results ,
    Some will do brilliantly
    some will be ok
    some will fail miserably.

    Its such a hard day for them , our GS passed all of his ,not with the grades he wanted he would have been over the moon with A* but it was mostly Bs and that’s great he got a C in Psychology and was really disappointed in that he wanted a B.
    He isn’t even doing that at Uni but none the less he wanted a higher mark.

    He also got a confirmation Email from Leeds Conservatoire congratulating him on his results and confirming his place .

    I feel sorry for all those young people who have worked so hard and haven’t got the grades to get in .
    I read this morning all the grades are lower than they have ever been,
    These are young peoples lives they are playing with , why if last year they graded a A for something they maybe grading a C or lower this year, it doesn’t seem fair on these young people .

    I wish all young people who are getting their results good luck and to remember you did your best and that’s what counts
    Exams can be re done this is a small step in the path of life not the end of the world ,
    It may not be what you were hoping for but there IS a solution to every problem .

    I look at my DD and how successful she is , she didn’t get all As she scraped into Uni but she did it and worked hard
    Then after she graduated with a degree in Art changed directions completely and did another degree in Social work.

    Social work became her life’s work and her passion
    So to all those young people I say never give up you don’t know what twists and turns life will present you with even with lower results your all worth it .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    I think it's a stressful tense day for them all.
    As you say Oma there will be some ecstatic pupils and some deflated ones, and the poor distraught ones who didn't get the grades they need

    Your GS did so well Oma, CONGRATULATIONS to him!
    Hopefully he will soon get over his disappointment over the C grade. Later in life no one will know or care about his grades
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Oma, well done to your GS, I hope there are not too many sad faces today.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        His friend Who is flat sharing failed to get the grades he needed to get into Leeds Uni but managed to get in Leeds Beckett on clearance.
        He was predicted to get all A- A* so he's appealing but at least he's got a place now after frantic phone calls .
        GS said he's not appealing as he has his place and is happy with that so although not the marks he wanted he's satisfied with them.
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Congratulations to your GS Oma. A pass is a pass after all.

          My GS did well as well. He got a D in Geography which was very good as he didn’t answer all the questions as he finds it hard to manage his time in exams. However he did gain an A in Sociology and a*Distinction in Digital Media. The latter isn’t an A level as such but some sort of equivalent and the grade he got is the highest possible.I’m so proud of him for as you know life can be challenging for him with his ASD, He suffers a lot with anxiety and things that wouldn’t bother other people are an issue for him.
          He will be going to the local Uni so he can live at home. He wouldn’t be able to cope living away. My DD has been applying for special support for him which has been approved. We did have a Plan B should he not do well but thankfully it’s not needed now.


            Clover, very Well Done to your GS too
            You must all be happy.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Well done to your GS,it is such a strain waiting for results.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Clover wonderful news for him well done young man . I hope he settles into Uni well it's a big step for them at the best of times isn't it . He should be very proud of himself xx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Well done Oma and Clover's GSs and good luck to them both in their future studies! I'm waiting for the GCSE results next Thursday for GS! Hopefully I'll still have some nails left!

                  ps. Oma hope that GS's friend has success with his appeal and gets into his preferred uni.
                  Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                  Theodore Roosevelt.


                    Well done to all that got the good grades, I did read the other day that 30% that got the "higher" grades last year won't make it through to the second year of uni, they will all have to find other studies.


                      First of all, huge congratulations to Oma’s and Clover’s GSs. It’s a tough year to be reaching this milestone and I’ve got every sympathy with those students who didn’t get what they needed for their first choice uni. But things have a way of working out for the best and they should be proud of what they have achieved in the current situation. These are also the students who were hit hard with lockdowns and Covid. With being away I haven’t seen the news but I wonder if some Unis will accept students on lower than offer grades.

                      My GS2 got his results too. He’d done 1 A Level and a double BTec Level 3. He was pleased with his D in Computer Science and Distinctions in his BTECs. He’s been accepted onto a degree apprenticeship in Computer Systems Design
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Daisy, Well Done to your GS too A very hard year for them all as you say.

                        I think lower grades are being accepted my some unis. DS2's friend's DD is going to Birmingham uni and although she got got reasonable grades, didn't get the very high ones hoped for and expected. She was still offered a place though.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Well done to your GS Daisy ,
                          As you say it’s been the toughest group for years what with COVID Teachers strikes etc ,
                          A lot are getting in on the Clearance program ,
                          We have heard so many getting marks way below prediction ,
                          GS, friend as I said before was predicted A-A* He is super intelligent so to not get them was a big blow .
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small

