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Getting ready for the tombola

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    Getting ready for the tombola

    This Saturday is the annual carnival in our village. It's big event with parade, rides for children brass band, dance displays and a lot of stalls! Some businesses and some charities.
    My group The Library Friends are holding a tombola stall

    There were 2 covid years with no carnival. It was back last year but I was very poorly with unknown virus this time last year and even sticking on tombola ticket would have been beyond me! No one seemed willing or able to do it without me so we cancelled our pitch

    This year we are raring to go! I have plenty of help on the day, but I am doing all the preparation myself.
    DD2 is bringing me the tombola drum from GS's school. I have all the donations (many!) and the tickets at our house. Tomorrow I have set aside to attach all the tickets to prizes and fold the numbers and put them into the drum. I have also made a sign with the price on (I did ask for a volunteer to do this but all went quiet at the meeting )
    OH will come with me to set up on Saturday morning. The table (paid for by the library) will already be there. We bring a gazebo and we all bring our own chairs.
    OH will help erect the gazebo and carry the prizes to the stall. Then she always goes home to watch Wimbledon all day, only returning for the packing up!

    Thundery rain is forecast. I hope they are wrong!
    It is usually a lovely sunny day for the carnival. I will report back!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem, that's a lot of work for one person (you) with just help from someone outside the Library group (S)! I think I would start encouraging a helper for next year immediately you've counted the takings (profit!) for the Tombola. I do hope the weather is kind to you.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Daisy, because I am the Secretary, and younger than most of our small group they think I am Superwoman

      We are trying to recruit a few new members. Some younger blood and some male muscle would be good!

      It is the nature of many committees to be run by ladies of a certain age though I think .
      To be honest if I had asked I'm pretty sure I could have got a couple of them to come round and help me with the prizes but I thought I would just get on with it myself as we having been storing all the donations here.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Well I hope after all your hard work the weather gods are on your side
        Good luck and make lots of money 😁👏👏👏
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          I do hope the weather stays fine for the Carnival Gemini. What a lot of work for you, I shall be joining S to watch the tennis.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Originally posted by Gemini View Post
            Daisy, because I am the Secretary, and younger than most of our small group they think I am Superwoman
            So did I, Gem! . x

            You're right about ladies of a certain age though. Our local church runs a lunch club - once a month they cook a two course lunch for any 'older' person to enjoy a cooked meal and some company. They organise the transport, too. The lady running it has been doing it for over 30 YEARS. Most of the regular cooks/helpers are in their late 70s and early-mid 80s. Many of their 'guests' are much younger.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              We made £91 from the tombola, with a few pounds of that coming from Guess the name of the Monkey (It was Marvin).
              It started fine but the rain became very heavy. I'm pleased we raised so much as the rain can put people off. We Yorkshire folk are a hardy lot though
              We were very well supported, and apart from the weather had a very nice day.

              Only tombola 3 prizes remained , the monkey had been guessed and taken away, and the rain was heavy so we decided to pack up. Of course once we got home it was fine again!
              I got myself a hot dog from one stall and some delicious home made carrot cake from another. I was considering an ice cream later but the rain put paid to that. There were people queuing in the rain for ice creams though!

              Our gazebo is on it's last legs, so the Friends are going to buy one of their own for future events.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                You all did very well Gem, shame about the rain though, you are right about the Yorkshire Folk!!!!

