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Road works

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    Road works

    Daisy mentioned on another thread about road works .
    We always have them don’t we but this year am I the only one who has noticed there are more than usual ?

    We are having major road widening on the A1 metro road extra lanes and flyovers , this will not be completed for another year or more , the disruption has been going on over a year already .

    We also in Washington have lots of bridges over the highways that they seem to have decided to repair all at once reducing the roads to single lanes with detours all over ,

    Washingtons road system if you don’t know it is confusing enough without this .
    Then there is general road works and cones everywhere while they cut the miles and miles of verges and central reservations around here .
    On top of that we also have fast broadband being installed all over .

    We are living in a mountain of road cones heavy machinery and speed restrictions, yet are roads are still in a mess with pot holes .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    There do seem to be more and you can never predict where they are going to turn up, disrupting your journey.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Oma, that sound horrendous, I am surprised you go anywhere. We have quite a few popping up, they are updating the water pipes, and are about to start our road soon and as for the holes in the road, well, it is like a war zone on the road to get down to GD’s.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Oma, I really do sympathise. I should think it puts you off going anywhere unless you have to.

        Our current gridlocks are caused by the main (only, really) east-west road into Southampton. It was closed on and off for about 18 months fairly recently, now they seem to be working on one of the flyovers again because it wasn't done properly the first time. So traffic gets pushed up on to the M27 and grinds to a halt trying to get back down into the Southampton area. A friend of ours normally leaves for work about 7.30 - he's now leaves at 6 am and is still late! When the holiday season gets into full swing it will be even worse.

        The only consolation is they seem to have finished making part of the M27 a smart motorway! So that's a mixed blessing.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          We noticed on saturday that there is a lot of roadworks going on in town.
          Fortunately it only affects us if we need to go into town.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

