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Stressful ticket buying experience!!

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    Stressful ticket buying experience!!


    I have just bought tickets for GS2 and myself to see a Jurassic live show next March. DD suggested he would love this, so I have bought this as his Christmas present. I will get something else for him to enjoy on Christmas Day of course!

    I like a real ticket, and always print off e tickets as back up to the one on my phone.
    This event does not accept any form of ticket apart from on my phone. So I had to sign up to Ticketmaster in order to do this.
    Apparently I had already signed up with them years ago (they had my old address) so I had to rest my flipping password. I didn't get the first code they sent by email so had to wait for another then my time ran out!

    I find doing anything with timer ticking down by the second really stressful
    I had to start again, it wouldn't accept the password so I had to reset that.
    Then it wouldn't accept the debit card that I use all the time! I quickly changed to Paypal, that finally all went through with about 4 seconds to spare.
    I feel like I need a stiff drink!
    Armchair shopping is meant to be easy

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem, I sympathise big time with that stressful feeling. You feel so helpless when the clock is ticking, and it's very frustrating when passwords don't work, or the "system" doesn't like your method of payment.

    I agree, you need a paper back up of a ticket. What if your phone broke, or got lost or stolen!

    The Bank jumped in and tried to tell me my credit card had been compromised a couple of weeks ago. I was buying the new oven from JL and my card wasn't accepted. Then OH got messages on his phone saying our (joint) account had possibly been hacked! It took a couple of days to sort out and I had to switch 'default' cards for my mobile, my grocery order and a couple of other things until the bank decided it really was me using my own card!

    I'll just pop over with that stiff drink, and I'll join you if you don't mind. All that talk about C shopping has left me feeling shaky!
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      It is sometimes stressful shopping on line with user words, passwords etc. I have had several attempts to get on-line again with my J.Lewis credit card without success, might get someone else to have a go for me. At least then I can see what I am paying for.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        I had trouble with Amazon a while ago ,
        It would let me get right through to payment then refuse my card or decide my password wasn’t mine 🙄

        I kept having to come out and try again , in the end I used Bs account , so frustrating.

        I think I would want a paper receipt too , as Daisy says what if your phone breaks or is stolen ,
        Plus I know it’s hard to believe this day and age but there are people who don’t have a phone or only have a basic phone that makes and relieves calls .
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oma, I agree about some people not having a mobile, or only a basic one. They must be feeling very marginalised and disadvantaged. It's a bit like using cash - if we only use cards or phones cash will disappear.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Oma if I didn't have a smart phone ( and a friend of mine only slightly older than me hasn't) then I would not be able to take GS to this show. I could have got someone else to buy the tickets, but the only way to be admitted is by barcode on phone. It states that clearly. It's very unfair and must exclude a lot of people.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Plant, I've had trouble with my JL cord recently too! I think it's because they changed the provider(?) on 31st October so hope it will be ok now.

              The most trouble I've had is transferring money from my bank account to someone new. I have to log into the app on my phone, I'm already using the online account on my lap top, Get my face in an oval and blink o confirm it's me! I'm surprised you haven't heard me cursing as it refuses to accept my blinks!! And needless to say there's a time limit and the number of times you can blink on it! Modern technology....bah!

              Like you Gem, I always print out any tickets I've ordered on line. At least you've got a back up if anything happens to your phone. Providing you don't lose the paper copy of course!!
              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
              Theodore Roosevelt.


                It is a strange carry on, but, if you happened to lose your phone or whatever the tickets will always be available in your account.

                I was reading that they are getting rid of the oyster cards here next year, the idea is to just use the phone, only, the ones with reduction will still have to use their cards as the system hasn't sorted that part out yet.


                  Gem, i would want paper tickets as well.
                  Technology is good when it plays nicely.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    The problem with your suggestion Lizzie is that you might not remember your account or the relevant details if you haven't got your phone or tickets!! Can't imagine you'd be very popular either if there was a queue of people behind you!!!
                    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                    Theodore Roosevelt.


                      WG, I didn't mean to go to the theatre using that, it was if you happened to lose your phone and needed to replace it, then everything is in the account.


                        Sometimes technology is a blessing, but at other times it's the total opposite.
                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)

