Gem - you're right about our very own GRU book! Keep writing, ladies - you are all brilliant. Clover - your brain isn't on strike, it's just waiting for better weather. I read something in the paper today about our brains functioning better in summer than winter. At least that's what I think it was saying, but I didn't take it in properly.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
I don't know if this counts as a story, but here goes anyway.
Every April the same thing happened (2) ……..
The first week-end of the month, the early morning calm would be broken by the sounds of cars arriving, people greeting people they hadn’t seen for six long winter months, excited children running round, dogs barking delighted to explore.
Slowly the row of wooden beach huts came back to life after their long winter abandonment. People dusting down the cobwebs of winter, opening shutters to let the light stream in, painting the sea-facing fronts in pastel shades of blue, soft green, pink and cream, hammering, banging, shouting to each other, renewing their summer friendships. Slowly as the first day passed, the sounds changed. Deckchairs positioned to get the best rays were occupied by Dads, relaxing with a beer, Mums with a glass of wine, all watching children still excitedly building sandcastles, playing ball games, shrieking as they ran in and out of the winter-cold water. Grans and Granddads nodded to each other, thinking “it’s good to be here to enjoy another summer”, knowing in a way that the younger generations would never understand that time slips by unnoticed until you look back over the years and wonder how many more times you will have the privilege of enjoying the simple ritual of getting your beach hut summer ready.
As the sun slowly sank into the western sky, reflecting off calm waters the mood changed. Barbecues wafted their pungent messages to tired and hungry children - burgers, sausages, chicken legs dripping with ketchup, tasting like nothing they ever ate at the kitchen table at home. Sleepy, sandy toddlers finally giving in and wrapped in towels snuggled down to sleep and dream of the happy, fun-filled summer months to come.
As the moon rose and the sky turned from pink to purple to navy blue, the shutters and doors were closed. The families drifted away and cars carried their sun-drowsy passengers home.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Every April the same thing happened.
Helen realised that the gym membership she optimistically took out at the beginning of the year was a waste of money as she had been 3 times - in early January. She had lost all of 6 pounds on her diet, but regained 7.
It happened every year. She felt full of determination at the start of the year, and by April it had all gone by the wayside. She felt fat and frumpy.
Aprils warmer weather and longer days always made her wish she had lost some weight, but she never did.
In the past vanity, health concerns , embarrasment, the weddings of her son and daughter had all been good reasons. Not good enough it seemed, as any small amount of weight she lost was regained, plus a bit more.
This April was different.
Last September Helen got the best news ever. The news she never thought she would be lucky enough to hear.
She was to become a Grandma! Her daughter in law had 3 children from her first marriage. She didn't want more, and Helens son Josh was happy with that. Helen loved the 3 children, but rarely saw them. They were naturally much closer to their actual grandparents .
For years her daughter Amy had been trying desperately to become pregnant, with several miscarriages and failed ivf attempts behind her.
Amy and Chris had reluctantly decided to accept that parenthood wasn't for them. Or so they told everyone. In fact they had one last ivf treatment, told no one, and this time it worked!
Helen was so happy, and so grateful that she was to become a Grandmother, when she had given up all hope.
This made her determined, she wanted to be a slim and fit Grandma, not a fat unfit one. She couldn't help being older, she could do something about her fitness.
It wasn't easy and she had a blip over the Christmas and New Year period, but by April she had done it. She reached her goal weight and she could climb stairs with no breathlessness! She wasn't a Skinny Minnie, but she didn't want to be. She was a healthy size that she was happy with. It felt good.
Helen felt extremely good on that April morning. Better than she had ever felt before. She had a spring in her step as she opened the door to the ward, and walked in to meet her new granddaughter for the first time.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown