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Just one more

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    Just one more

    Just one more (a short story)

    Cradling tiny four hour old Victoria in her arms, Ruth smiled as the door to her hospital room slowly opened.
    ‘Come in, come in’, she urged, as Isabelle peeked cautiously though the gap. Smiling, Isabelle opened the door wider and let her younger siblings into the room ahead of her.

    ‘How beautiful she is’ cooed Isabelle.
    ‘The baby!’ exclaimed Matthew, the baby of the family himself until earlier that day.

    Ruth felt a great joy as she looked at her family around the bed. All wonderful and perfect, and now this new little one to bring more joy.

    Ruth and Simon didn't plan a large family. Their first two children were ‘one of each’, the perfect family in many people’s eyes.
    Ruth loved being a mum, she found joy in all the stages. She really didn't feel ready to stop at two.
    'Just one more’ she had whispered to Simon, when their second baby became a toddler.
    And so it went on!

    Isabelle, at thirteen was far more aware of the risks of childbearing than she had been three years ago when her little brother was born. She smiled with love and maternal feelings for the new baby sister, and relief that her mum was fine.

    Eleven year old Alexander wondered at the baby’s tiny fingers, which he stroked gently with his own. How big their brother Matthew now looked compare to this new baby!

    Alice, next in line at eight tried to be pleased about the baby, who she could see was very sweet. Part of her worried that mummy would now no longer call her ‘my baby girl’ any more, now there was an actual female baby younger than she was.

    Five year old William, after giving his mum a big hug and admiring (briefly) the baby, had his eyes firmly fixed on the chocolates they had brought with them for their mum.

    Isabelle lifted little Matthew to see the baby and he immediately put his arms out to his mummy. She made room for him at her side and he snuggled up. He gazed at baby Victoria and gently stroked her soft hair, as his mother stroked his with her free hand. He put his thumb into his mouth and sighed in contentment. Mummy was still his mummy. All was right with the world.

    The door began to open and Alex jumped up and held it open as their dad and brother Chris came in carrying trays of drinks for them all. At fifteen Christopher was almost as tall as their dad!
    Chris was very used to new siblings arriving. He thought this one looked very cute, and it was nice to have another sister.

    After many Goodbye, Love you and See you tomorrows, the family left.
    Ruth closed her eyes. Time to get some rest before Victoria’s next feed, and her introduction to their busy, full home tomorrow.
    ‘I’m so lucky’ she thought as she drifted off to sleep. ‘So lucky. Eight is a nice round number though. Maybe just one more…….

    ************************************************** ********
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Its lovely Gem Reminds me of the Ratcliff Family 20 and counting
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Lovely Gemini, will they have just one more?
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Gem, what a lovely, sweet story. I could picture each child as they looked at their tiny newborn sister. Large families are amazing, so I hope they do have just one more - 8 children and two parents make a very nice round number.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)

