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2018 Christmas Story Challenge

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    2018 Christmas Story Challenge

    Our story writers have been quiet of late. Hopefully we are all going to spring into action again soon

    No opening title for this one. Just a story with Christmas in the theme in some way.
    Long, short, funny, sad, scary, entirely up to you.
    We have some good story writers here and maybe more who have never posted a story yet.
    No need to limit yourself to one story either, write as many as you like!
    Write away, this is open until the end of the Christmas season

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem - I've just updated my word processing software, and I've started a story to try it out!

    I hope lots of people will join in - a story or a poem, short or long. Let your imaginations fly!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Just bumping this up. I have started one!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gem - great minds! I was going to do the same - bump it up, that is.

        I've started one, but it's running away with me in a direction I'm not happy with, so I'll have to think again!

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Christmas Eve

          Eve was glad her parents chose that name for her.
          There are several name which are popular for girls born at Christmas time. Holly, Ivy, Mary, Carol, Noelle...
          Arriving 3 weeks early, on December 24th, Eve's mother decided that Helen, the name they had chosen for their baby should it be a girl, would not do. A baby girl born on Christmas Eve should be Eve!

          There were two Helens and three Carols in Eve's class at school, so she had always approved of the choice.
          She now knew several little girls with variations of her name, Evies and Evas, but when she was growing up Eve and it's variants were unusual.
          Eve liked being different to the crowd!
          She never followed trends at school. From clothes, to pencil cases, to pop groups. It meant she was left out of the Most Popular Girls Gang , but she didn't care about that.

          She dropped out of uni to follow her hearts desire to set up her own pottery business. Selling Avon, stuffing envelopes and cleaning to supplement her income at first.
          She called off her wedding 3 days before the date as she realised that she just didn't have the right feelings for James, lovely enough man as he was.
          When a couple of week later she discovered she was pregnant, instead of considering a termination or adoption, Eve kept her baby. She knew it would be far from easy, but she did it.
          With the invaluable help of her parents, and hard work and determination on her part she built up a successful business whilst bringing up her son.

          As the years went by, Eve's business grew. She eventually joined forces with her friend Anna, who made jewellery. Working with her friend was fun and Eveanna became a thriving business, with the little shop busy and in time, lots of online orders too.
          Tristan grew, healthy and strong. He had a happy childhood with his mum. A lively one with plenty of interests and friends. The house was often full of both adults and children, and much laughter and song. He spent a few weeks a year with his dad, wife Claire and two little step sisters. He had a great time there, but was always glad to get back to Eve and his home life .

          Life was good.
          Tristan did well at uni, gaining a First. His graduation day was a proud one for both his parents.
          When 5 years later at the age of 26 her son announced that he was going to live and work in New York, Eve was happy and excited for him. She would miss him. Very much so, but she had always followed her own path, and encouraged her son to do the same. New York is not that far she told herself, and of course there would be trips both ways across the Atlantic.

          It wasn't the same as being on the same side of that big ocean though.
          Sometimes these days Eve yearned for him to be closer. Perhaps this was because she was getting older. Not that Eve would ever admit that 60 was old! More than that, if she was honest with herself was the real longing to be closer to her granddaughter. Bethany was 20 months old, and in Eve's eyes the most wonderful creature ever.
          After the latest visit to Tristan, Callie and little Bethany 3 months ago she had found it very hard to come back.
          Eve's mother had passed away a few weeks previously, her father having died 5 years earlier, so with no family ties here she did briefly consider moving to New York.
          Her business and network of close friends here had a pull on her, a big one. The main reason which made Eve put the idea firmly aside however, was that she didn't want to be That Sort Of Mother.
          She had encouraged her son's independence, and didn't want to be a clingy mother following her son around.

          Callie was a lovely person, Tris chose well Eve thought. She sent her mother-in-law photos of her granddaughter on her phone most days, and they Skyped every week.
          Eve listened with some envy to her friends lighthearted moans about houses full of baby equipment, and standing in cold playgrounds on the school run. Oh to have the chance to experience that life.

          This Christmas was a strange one for Eve. Since Tristan had left for the States, she has spent Christmases with her parents, then later just her Mum. Two wonderful Christmases, after Tris and Callie married and before the baby came long, they had come over to spend the season with them.
          This year it was just Eve.
          Several friends had invited her to spend Christmas with them of course. Anna and her husband George had practically insisted!
          She loved them all, and was glad of the invitations, but just felt a Christmas alone would suit her this year. She was going out for lunch with a group of friends for her birthday on Christmas Eve, that would be her Christmas socialising.
          Without actually lying, she led each of them to believe she was going to to someone else for Christmas Day. Three of her friends went for a long country walk each Boxing Day to blow off the cobwebs, and if the weather was fine Eve planned to join them this year .
          She had Chicken Kiev, a mini Christmas pudding and a bottle of wine. Christmas Day telly, and a box set, her day would be fine.
          She had expected to Skype with the the family, so was disappointed when Tris told her they were going away to a cottage for Christmas which would be out of range of any sort of contact. Eve didn't want to be That Sort of Mother of course, so she did her best to hide her disappointment.

          Sally dropped Eve at home after her birthday lunch. Full with food and happy with wine and company, Eve made herself a cup of tea and sat down to watch TV. She flicked through a couple of Christmas films, but they were too sentimental and based on happy families all together at Christmas. She found something more interesting and less emotive on Catch up. She glanced at Bethany's photo in the silver frame on the table where she placed her mug, and tried not to let sadness creep in.
          She was healthy, with a successful business, lots of friends and a lovely family. She shouldn't be sad. She wouldn't be sad, on her birthday at Christmas.

          As she was pulling herself together the doorbell rang. She opened the door to a young man. 'Ms Laurence?'. 'Your Tesco delivery', he smiled.
          Eve looked at him blankly. 'It's not mine' she told him.
          'Eve Laurence, 14 Maple Grove?' the man enquired.
          'Well, yes that is me' replied Eve, 'but I haven't placed any order.'
          She ordered a delivery from Tesco every few weeks, heavy stuff and offers, but she certainly hadn't booked a Christmas delivery. She didn't need it, and she would never have got booked early enough for Christmas Eve.
          Looking down at the crates, she saw items she would never put on her monthly order anyway. Pates and lots of cheeses, a tin of luxury chocolate biscuits, Christmas crackers, bottles of wine, plus multiple cartons of milk and apple juice. There were other crates the contents of which were unknown to her.
          As she was starting to tell the delivery man to take it all back to the van, a taxi pulled up behind it..

          Eve could hardly believe her eyes as out of the taxi stepped Tristan, with little Bethany in his arms.'Hi Mum', he smiled, passing the little girl over 'Gama!' she shouted, touching Eve's cheek.
          Tristan came back carrying suitcases, Callie following with a smaller bag.
          Eve stepped back into the house holding her granddaughter close and kissing her fair curls as she watched her son bring luggage into the hallway.
          'Happy Birthday!' exclaimed a rather pale looking Callie, kissing her mother-in law's cheek. 'Sit down before you fall down with shock Mum' laughed Tristan, signing the delivery man's little screen and dumping the shopping in the kitchen.
          As Eve sat with Bethany on her knee Tristan explained that they were here for Christmas. A wonderful surprise!
          'There is no better Christmas present I could ever have!' She exclaimed in wonder.
          Callie smiled .
          'We have a couple more for you actually. You will be a Grandma for the second time by next summer!' Tears of joy sprang to Eve's eyes.
          'A couple more?' asked Eve who felt rather as though she were in a dream.
          Tristan came over and took his daughter from his mum and sat her on the rug with her books, and took his mother's hands in his.
          'That little grocery order will keep us going for a few days. Everything we need for Christmas. We do have to say goodbye again after Christmas' he said ' But only for a few weeks. I am transferring over here with my job. We are moving back! Bethany and her brother or sister will need their Grandma, so I hope you have lots of energy'

          'Oh I certainly do' replied Eve, seeing her beautiful granddaughter's face through a mist of happy tears.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            That is a beautiful story Gemini.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Oh my goodness Gem what a wonderful story. I don’t know how you found the time.


                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Gem, that's lovely. I had a lump in my throat when Eve sat down to watch telly on her own! I'm so glad it had a happy ending.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Finally finished my Christmas Story. I hope the angel at the top of your Christmas tree is better behaved.

                    Christmas Angel

                    “There!” Dad stood back and admired his handiwork.

                    “Switch it on, switch it on”, shouted Ella, jumping up and down in excitement.

                    Billy bounced in his baby walker, chortling with glee, even though he had no idea what on earth was going on. It looked fun, and that was fine by him.

                    Jet had long since fled to the relative sanity of Mum and Dad’s bed upstairs, swishing his tail as only a disdainful cat can.

                    Mum took the plug from Dad, pushed it into the socket and switched on.

                    The star at the top of the Christmas tree sprang into life, flashing red, blue, gold, green, white in a whirling kaleidoscope of lights, first picking out each point of the star, then starting from the centre, slowly illuminating outwards until the whole star glowed brightly and resumed its cycle of swirling colours.

                    “Wow”, breathed Ella in awe. Even Alex allowed himself a little gasp of surprise, although at 12 he considered himself far too cool to get excited about a star at the top of a Christmas tree. Jet, snuggled into the feather duvet, was fast asleep.

                    Dad looked at Mum and smiled.

                    “There you are, Mum, I told you the kids would love it. Much better than that manky fairy you always put on the tree.”

                    “It’s an angel, Tony, and she’s not mankey. She’s AngieBelle, and my parents got her for my very first Christmas. She’s part of my childhood, but I suppose …”

                    “Yeah, yeah, yeah, Clary” he said, giving her shoulders a little squeeze. “Time to move on, lovey.”

                    Clary sighed, but looking at the children’s animated faces, with the lights reflecting in their wide, excited eyes she smiled and thought about how much she adored her little brood. “Time to get tea ready”, and off she went into the kitchen to finish off their Saturday treat of toad in the hole. The burning smell didn’t register immediately, but peering into the glass front of the oven, Clary groaned. How could she have forgotten to switch the oven off. Never mind, fish and chips would go down well, and the chip shop was only 5 minutes away.

                    AngieBelle smiled her secret smile to herself.

                    After their teas the children got out their favourite Christmas decorations, putting cards up, and arranging their Shelf Elves on the mantlepiece. Their three stockings hung next to the fireplace ready for Santa Claus. Alex knew it was really Mum and Dad but he’d been warned not to spoil it for Ella and Billy. Mum still wanted AngieBelle included in the decorations, so Alex placed her next to the Shelf Elves, but she toppled over, so he shoved her behind two of them to prop her up, her angel wings already slightly battered, pushed hard against the wall.

                    Finally, the house fell silent and darkness descended as the family settled down to sleep. There was no sleep for AngieBelle though, or the Shelf Elves. She was furious, really furious. “If that’s how they repay my 38 years of sitting on top of spiky trees with pine needles in my bum, I’ll show them who’s really boss of Christmas.”

                    “Aww” protested Shelf Elf One. “Chill, AngieBaby.” “Chill! You’re joking, you stupid Shelf Elf. I’ve watched over this family since Clary was a yowling baby, making sure their Christmases were merry and bright”. Shelf Elf Two laughed. “It’s no laughing matter, you moron”, spat AngieBelle, “and the name’s AngieBelle, not AngieBaby.”

                    AngieBelle kicked hard and the two Shelf Elves tumbled onto the hearth.

                    “There, you idiots. Don’t mess with angels.”

                    Jet, having been removed from the comfort of the feather duvet was looking for entertainment. He pounced on the nearest Shelf Elf and shook him around, using his very best mousing techniques. Shelf Elf’s head fell off

                    The next morning Mum sighed, “Jet, what have you been up to!” And carefully repaired the beheaded Shelf Elf and placed them both back on the mantlepiece. “AngieBelle”, she smiled, “you’re looking a bit worse for wear, old dear.”

                    AngieBelle’s fury intensified. ‘How dare you treat me like some cast off toy”, she thought.

                    Mum went into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Nothing happened. Damm, she thought, it must have tripped for some reason. She groped her way round the dark and cluttered garage to reset the trip switch, grazing her knee on a rough box. Muttering, she headed back to the kitchen, bathed the graze and put a plaster over it.

                    She groaned. She was sure she hadn’t switched the grill on, but there was the toast, blackened and not even fit to throw to the birds. Dad hurried downstairs wondering what the smell of burning was. Jet fled out of the living room at double his usual sedate pace and as Dad stepped off the bottom stair Jet neatly took his other foot out from under him, and he collapsed in a heap in the hall.

                    “Blasted cat” he muttered as he picked himself up and rubbed a painful elbow.

                    After breakfast Ella went to put the lights on on the tree. “Star, star” shouted Billy. At least that what Mum and Dad fondly believed he meant as he pointed to the top of the tree and screeched in delight. Dad switched it on and Billy, standing against the sofa fell over in his excitement as the lights in the star started to flash and whirl, flash and whirl.

                    The sudden bang made them all jump and Billy started to cry. Dad rushed to switch off the star and jumped back as he got a shock from the plug. He rushed into the garage and switched off the circuit and the star sizzled and gave off black acrid smoke as its twinkly points melted.

                    If anyone had looked at AngieBelle they might have noticed that her eyes held a strange gleam. If you didn’t know better, you would have thought she was laughing at the mishaps she'd caused by being dumped on the shelf with those elves. She knew where she'd be tonight - back on the top of the Christmas tree, in her rightful place.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      I do applaud you both such lovely short stories I don’t know why to don’t publish a collection bravo !!!


                        Another great story, you two are so good with words.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Lovely Daisy. Really something different. Naughty AngieBelle.


                            Thank you ladies. We're both blushing!

                            Seriously we'd love to have more of you have a go at a short story or a poem - I know there are poets-a-plenty on here as well as some great imaginations for stories.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Daisy I havent had time to read yours yet and I want to take time to enjoy it! Hopefully tomorrow
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

