Nana - thank you! PVA it is, then! I've had to put it on hold for a little while. A very kind friend of OH's who does a lot of fretwork has offered to make some blanks for me and has borrowed my large heart for a template. He was going to bring it back on Wednesday, but unfortunately his wife was rushed into hospital.
I was thinking about that project today, plus a couple of others I've got on the back burner, and realising that I always want to run before I can walk. So please be strict with me and make me practise the basics first! You are right, btw, 'practise' is the verb and 'practice' is the noun!
I was thinking about that project today, plus a couple of others I've got on the back burner, and realising that I always want to run before I can walk. So please be strict with me and make me practise the basics first! You are right, btw, 'practise' is the verb and 'practice' is the noun!