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Feeling Guilty

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    Feeling Guilty

    Oh my goodness, I'm feeling sick Rhys hurt on my watch!!
    I let him go in the shower this morning and forgot to put the bathmat down. Yes you've guessed it, he slipped!
    Split his chin open and blood everywhere!
    Gosh don't you feel really awful.
    DD and Grandad have taken him to the hospital as we think it's more than a plaster needed. Possibly a sterile strip, or whatever they're called.
    Never needed them before. Hop it's not stitches.
    I'll let you know how things go on.

    GJ its your worst nightmare isn't it when they get hurt on your watch , but accidents happen and you cant prevent them getting hurt at some point no matter how careful you are.
    Our GD jammed her fingers in the door at ours a couple of weeks go ,I could see what was going to happen but it was like slow motion I just couldn't get there quick enough to stop it ,
    Poor Rhys give him a day or two and he will be showing everyone his war wound xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      It does make you feel bad,if they are hurt while with you,but accidents happen.
      Rosie once cut herself while in grandads care and needed stitches. Grandad felt awful.
      Even though she was only little at the time, she used to say it wasn't grandads fault.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        GJ, we feel completely terrible when something happens to a grandchild on our watch. Even when it something we couldn't have prevented and would have happened if the parents were there, we feel awful. Much worse than we did if anything happened to our own children! We feel sorry for the child, and sort of responsible to our offspring for allowing their child to get hurt.
        As Oma and Nan2 have said, these things happen and have probably happened to all of us at some point. Not so long ago I turned around quickly, not knowing GS1 was right behind me and hit him in the face with my elbow. I felt terrible!!

        I hope Rhys is OK. These things look worse than they are, and hopefully he will be home with a steri strip on soon, and putting this behind him!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          GJ - Gem has summed it up nicely - we have all had something happen on our watch - for me there have been 2 trips to hospital with GS1 - one with a cut forehead and the other a split lip. Yes, you feel awful, guilty, blame yourself, and worry like crazy. The next day the grandchild is proudly showing off their war wound without a care in the world.

          Give R a big hug - I hope he doesn't need stitches. xx
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Gosh, yes, in the past 10 years goodness knows how many ! Mostly with GD 1 though as she is a bit accident prone

            Did catch 5 year old (today) trying to escape from an upstairs window on my watch Had a door slam on GD 1's thumb. I felt awful, really rsponsible and near tears every time! In fact if nothing happens with the two of my boisterous GD's on a visit, then I do count myself a fortunate woman

            In fact there has been a sleepover this weekend as GD 2's 5th birthday today. Born in Madrid! I got through with no bumps or scrapes at all, but mummy forgot to pack a night nappy for GD 2 so there was a little accident in the night and it's taken most of the day to get the mattress cleaned with the special anti urine spray we have here and dry. As the sun is shining brightly, it didn't take too long!
            Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T.S Eliot


              GJ we've all been there it's awful when it happens but that's exactly it an accident but it does make you feel sick hopefully they will superglue it and he will be fine it really shakes you up though


                Thanks everyone. Yes they did super glue him and put 3 strips over it. He's happy as he can't get them wet for 5 days, but I'm sure Mummy will wash his face, ha!
                He went to hospital upset, but came back very brave and confident that he'll be ok in a few days. He made Grandma feel so much better.


                  Glad all's well that ends well GJ.I bet Rhys will remind you about the shower mat next time though.


                    That's good news GJ
                    Try to put it behind you now, and don't dwell on it xx
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Tough little soldier
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Originally posted by Oma View Post
                        Tough little soldier
                        Wonder how the little soldier is today Oma ?


                          Bet hes showing his scar off to everyone Qwerty
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small

