There's a proud Granny Boast coming up. 
As most of you know my GD1 was ill last year (Year 7, so a new school) and missed 6 months of schooling. Thankfully, she's now well and was able to go back to school in September into Year 8.
Yesterday she had a lovely letter from the head teacher inviting her to have lunch with him and the Governors on Thursday for gaining the highest achievement points in her form group. Achievement points are given out throughout the year for girls who work hard, put in extra effort and do good academic work. I think there is one girl from each form group so GD1 has done very well, especially given how much catching up she had to do.
I just hope lunch is something she likes!

As most of you know my GD1 was ill last year (Year 7, so a new school) and missed 6 months of schooling. Thankfully, she's now well and was able to go back to school in September into Year 8.
Yesterday she had a lovely letter from the head teacher inviting her to have lunch with him and the Governors on Thursday for gaining the highest achievement points in her form group. Achievement points are given out throughout the year for girls who work hard, put in extra effort and do good academic work. I think there is one girl from each form group so GD1 has done very well, especially given how much catching up she had to do.
I just hope lunch is something she likes!
