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The Gold Card

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    The Gold Card

    I mentioned GS2 getting this this week, and Daisy mentioned something similar at her GD's school. I thought I would say more about it here.

    At the school my GS2 goes to and GD went to, they have the Gold Card system.
    The card is awarded to one person in each class every Friday. They are given out in assembly and are very sought after! When you wait in the playground at the end of the afternoon , you see the holders of a Gold Card looking very proud and running to their adult with them. Part of the Gold Card honour is leading the class out at the end of the day. I knew GS had got it this time as he was head of the line! On Friday there is a Gold Table for lunch too. All the Gold Card winners sit at that table and are served first. I think it must make them feel very special.

    GS's award was for being so enthusiastic about the school play, even though it's not for another 2 weeks yet!
    It can be for persevering and overcoming something you found hard, for being kind and helpful, for many achievements. Every child has a chance.

    GS thought as there will be a new Gold Card winner next week that he would have to take it back. He was even happier when we told him this was his to keep
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    I can imagine his pride , he must have been bursting to get out of the door and to be head of line such a honour 😍

    This reminds me about something similar GS2s school did , there’s was a medal on a ribbon .
    We we’re at a Christmas assembly one year and during they warded it to a little girl , when she went to collect it she asked the teacher if she could give it to a little boy in another class as at play time she had fell and hurt her knee ,
    This little boy had helped her up and kissed it better,
    There wasn’t a dry eye amongst the adults .
    I often wonder how that little girl turned out, How sweet was that 😁
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oma, how wonderful!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        When I taught we had something similar. The parents of one of the teachers whose husband had dies, gave a cup in his memory to be presented to a member of the class which was leading the Assembly that week. The child was chosen by the teacher and it could be awarded for any reason, which was read out at the assembly. I was going through a rough patch and I awarded it to a little boy who always made me smile and generally had a positive outlook on life. I can still recall the look on his face and that of his parents. We also had a notice board where the winners' photos were put on display. I don't know if the school still does it . It was such a positive thing to do.

        Well done to Daisy and Gem's GC on receiving their awards!
        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
        Theodore Roosevelt.


          Gem, isn't that a lovely thing for the school to do.
          Bless your GS, he must have felt so proud,and quite rightly.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Just talking to my niece , I told her about your GSs gold star , she’s a infant teacher she said they have a chart with awards ,
            they make sure every child gets a star then once a month they get a treat , like watching a movie
            in the summer they got ice lollies .
            Schools today are so good at encouraging little ones ,😁
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Thomas's Gold Card
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              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem, I bet your GS has put that lovely card on his bedroom wall. Our GDs have still got their infant school 'awards' on display and they are now in years 4 and 8!

                WeeGranny, what a special memory of that delightful little boy, and how lovely that his parents were there to see his expression, too.

                Oma, when school budgets are so stretched, it's fantastic to see the children getting treats like that. It would be all too easy to say there was no money for them. You can see why that wonderful little girl was given the award - she must have been a very special little girl to want to give it to her friend.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  As I said I often wonder how she turned out ,
                  She was about 5ish at the time , i didn’t know this little girl she was in the year above GS2 I think , he was in reception at the time so she must be coming up for 16 now , I do hope she stayed the kind little girl she was then

                  That certificate should take pride of place , I bet showing mummy was the best bit 😁❤️
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Well done to your GS2 Gemini, he seems a very sweet child.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

