As I mentioned in Chat we spent yesterday at DS1's. OH and DS went to a car event - and took lots of photos of very smart, expensive cars. OH is doing well with his new phone!
GS2 was chilling out after two very busy weeks on the National Citizen Service programme, which he thoroughly enjoyed.
GS1 joined his mum and me sitting on their new patio (nearly finished) in the sunshine and chatting. I'm sure he's grown in the last couple of weeks and suddenly seems to have become a grown up instead of a teenager. He was delightful company, and I feel so proud of what he's achieved.
He has also been sorting out, transferring and improving/repairing a lot of our old cine and video films. He's encountered a few problems, but has found solutions which work very well. He must have put hours and hours into this task, and he showed me some of the work in progress. He is doing a very professional job of getting the best possible images out of long defunct formats, and I was thrilled with what he's done.
One film was of a niece's wedding in the early 90s. DS1 was an usher and looked so smart in top hat and morning suit! There was one taken in my mother's flat and it took us a few minutes to work out who the extra dog was - it was a golden retriever belonging to the friends who used to live in the house we now live in! We used to look after quite a few friends' dogs.
There was another film which sent shivers down our spines! It was taken in New York when our sons were teenagers. The sequence showed me and the two boys sitting on a wall outside some tower blocks, looking at a map. OH had taken the film, and had then panned upwards to show the skyscrapers - The World Trade Centre, aka the Twin Towers. I never realised that that was where we were, but I can remember going shopping in the underground mall there.
DIL cooked a delicious dinner - pulled pork with home-made pork scratchings and all the trimmings, followed by Portuguese tarts.
GS2 was chilling out after two very busy weeks on the National Citizen Service programme, which he thoroughly enjoyed.
GS1 joined his mum and me sitting on their new patio (nearly finished) in the sunshine and chatting. I'm sure he's grown in the last couple of weeks and suddenly seems to have become a grown up instead of a teenager. He was delightful company, and I feel so proud of what he's achieved.
He has also been sorting out, transferring and improving/repairing a lot of our old cine and video films. He's encountered a few problems, but has found solutions which work very well. He must have put hours and hours into this task, and he showed me some of the work in progress. He is doing a very professional job of getting the best possible images out of long defunct formats, and I was thrilled with what he's done.
One film was of a niece's wedding in the early 90s. DS1 was an usher and looked so smart in top hat and morning suit! There was one taken in my mother's flat and it took us a few minutes to work out who the extra dog was - it was a golden retriever belonging to the friends who used to live in the house we now live in! We used to look after quite a few friends' dogs.
There was another film which sent shivers down our spines! It was taken in New York when our sons were teenagers. The sequence showed me and the two boys sitting on a wall outside some tower blocks, looking at a map. OH had taken the film, and had then panned upwards to show the skyscrapers - The World Trade Centre, aka the Twin Towers. I never realised that that was where we were, but I can remember going shopping in the underground mall there.

DIL cooked a delicious dinner - pulled pork with home-made pork scratchings and all the trimmings, followed by Portuguese tarts.
