It is half term here. I looked after my 3 grandchildren yesterday. As they are not all siblings, I usually have them over 2 days. Due to a dental appointment for me on the day I usually have GS1 (I didn't realise it was half term when I made it) , the fact they they all like to have some time together at mine, plus it is easier for me to have them all at once, also giving me an extra free day that week, it is as they say, a no brainer!
I love having them all here. As they had all had an action packed half term week, and the weather was pretty dull, we stayed in.
GS1, screen addict was allowed some screen time. GD brought hers, but it never came out of her bag.
GS2 played, had a lot of stories as ususal and OH spent lot of time drawing with him, usually my role
The older 2 and I were playing a game where you have to ask questions to guess which animal you are. The animal is on card slottted into a head band on your head. They love this game and it is always funny. We were worried GS2 would tell us what the animals were but he didn't 
Lunch around the table for the 5 of us was a nice chatty affair. A bit of after-lunch TV for the little one, then I took him up and settled him for his nap.
GD and I laid out all the childrens DVDs earlier for the 4 of us to make our choices for the afternoon viewing. GD wrote down the 3 choices for each of us then counted up. James and the Giant Peach won, with 3 votes. GD wasn't too impressed as she hadn't voted for it, but took it well. The second most votes were for Disney's Enchanted. which was mine and GD's first choice . I said that would be the one we would have next time. The children got the best seats, on the reclining sofa. Drinks for both, popcorn for GS, crisps for GD who doesn't like popcorn.
We were 20 minutes in when the film went weird and despite all our efforts we couldn't get it to play. So we got the see runner-up Enchanted. GD and I were pleased, the other 2 less so!
We also played a game of GDs devising when GS2 was asleep. The 2 children, OH and I sat the table. Adults one one side facing children on the other. Each team had a small piece of crayon which we passed to each other back and forth under the table. Then all put hands on the table and each team had to guess which person and hand of the opposing team held the crayon. Simple game enjoyed by all, especially GS1, who we had to keep shushing as GS2 was asleep
Tea for the children was pizza as we were eating out so I didn't want to cook as such. Followed by jelly and ice cream. There is jelly left for Grandma today
So a lovely day, fun times and no money spent!!
I love having them all here. As they had all had an action packed half term week, and the weather was pretty dull, we stayed in.
GS1, screen addict was allowed some screen time. GD brought hers, but it never came out of her bag.
GS2 played, had a lot of stories as ususal and OH spent lot of time drawing with him, usually my role

Lunch around the table for the 5 of us was a nice chatty affair. A bit of after-lunch TV for the little one, then I took him up and settled him for his nap.
GD and I laid out all the childrens DVDs earlier for the 4 of us to make our choices for the afternoon viewing. GD wrote down the 3 choices for each of us then counted up. James and the Giant Peach won, with 3 votes. GD wasn't too impressed as she hadn't voted for it, but took it well. The second most votes were for Disney's Enchanted. which was mine and GD's first choice . I said that would be the one we would have next time. The children got the best seats, on the reclining sofa. Drinks for both, popcorn for GS, crisps for GD who doesn't like popcorn.
We were 20 minutes in when the film went weird and despite all our efforts we couldn't get it to play. So we got the see runner-up Enchanted. GD and I were pleased, the other 2 less so!
We also played a game of GDs devising when GS2 was asleep. The 2 children, OH and I sat the table. Adults one one side facing children on the other. Each team had a small piece of crayon which we passed to each other back and forth under the table. Then all put hands on the table and each team had to guess which person and hand of the opposing team held the crayon. Simple game enjoyed by all, especially GS1, who we had to keep shushing as GS2 was asleep

Tea for the children was pizza as we were eating out so I didn't want to cook as such. Followed by jelly and ice cream. There is jelly left for Grandma today

So a lovely day, fun times and no money spent!!