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Half Term Already

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    Half Term Already

    The Spring half term seems to have come round very quickly.

    Are all your GC's off next week? It seems as though a lot of schools have had Inset days today. Our village Primary has, and our neighbours have grabbed the opportunity for a few days skiing. They said the flights were much cheaper today than they would be tomorrow, as yet again the travel industry cashes in on school holidays.

    Oma's GS1 is off to New York which sounds really exciting. What are the rest of our GCs doing?
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Youngest grandaughter will be going to her job at the cafe.
    She loves it and they seem to be very happy with her.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      My grandchildren are on half term holiday the week after next, Daisy. I'm not sure if it is the same for York schools, as they are both in a different district.

      I'm sure they will have some plans with their families, but I don't know what they are. That week I will have all 3 GC on the same day. Something GD and her cousin keep asking for! I can't do it in term time as their schools are 5 miles apart and it doesn't work time wise. I like having all 3 and they enjoy spending the time together. Plus is is easier for me than amusing GS1 all day whilst restricting his screen time, LOL. Also, I get an extra free day that week

      I'm glad your GD is enjoying her job Nan2.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        My DD is on Half Term this coming week, she has arranged to have her operation on the Wed.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          GS is in Cornwall with his parents.....lucky them! This time they took doggo with them and I've just had a photo of him testing the water on the beach! Bet it's cold, brrr!
          The local schools are also on holiday this week.
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            Plant - I hope everything goes smoothly for your DD.

            WeeGranny - I bet the whole family has a great time in Cornwall.

            Gem - I love having all the GCs together, and they enjoy it too. Although the age spread is just over 10 years they get on really well together. For half-term this time I'll just be having the two girls (plus the furry one). I'll probably bring them over here so we can do painting and cooking together.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              The half term has come around so quickly it seems they had only just gone back to school after xmas hols.
              I only have one DGS at school now until GGD starts at reception next year then we begin again ( where did the time go)
              My DGS is going into school for extra tuition as he has just put in his 6th form options and wants to be on top of things.
              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                My eldest g/c had an inset day yesterday so she went with mum who doesn’t work Fridays they went to the library, had some time on the playground in the park, a hot dog outside punnet of cherries that’s the healthy bit then walked home through their local wood.
                Half term next week, my family are aware that it’s a bit though with grandad sometimes so Dd booked the whole week off, and Dil booked 3 days off and the other grandma is coming for a day , having said that we have decided that we would like to see the g/ c next week but it’s on our own terms which is nice, so the twins are having a sleepover on Sunday night but the parents are going out anyway so we are having them all day Monday too going to the armouries lots going off for the kids, eldest is coming Tuesday I asked what time we should expect her and she replied for breakfast 😱 I don’t think so !!! she is having a sleepover too and we are going to the Art Gallery in Leeds lots going on for half term then tea out, and drop her off home as it’s my sil birthday the following day so timed it well for dropping off card and present, I guess they will be out for tea and think they are away for the weekend somewhere
                Plant hope all goes well with Dd
                Glamm make the best of it whilst you can 🙄
                Nanto g/d will be working hard no doubt
                Gem save your energy for the following week 😀
                Oma NY how exciting I love the buzz there
                Daisy brave woman baking and painting aaahhhh


                  Qwerty - it sounds as though things are looking up with your grandma'ly duties. When it's on your terms you start off with a much happier frame of mind, and what you've got planned sounds lovely.

                  I don't mind the girls doing painting and cooking. The kitchen is pretty bomb- and paint- proof and I'll try and make sure what they cook is what we have for lunch each day. They have the added excitement of feeding the neighbours' cats, which they love.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    I hope to get all 3 painting some rocks, we shall see. Probably best if OH is out that day...

                    Qwerty, that sounds a nice balance of seeing all your GC but not being overwhelmed by it. Well done
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                      I hope to get all 3 painting some rocks, we shall see. Probably best if OH is out that day...

                      Qwerty, that sounds a nice balance of seeing all your GC but not being overwhelmed by it. Well done
                      Thanks ladies getting there 😬


                        I brought both GDs and the furry one over here for the day. We started off with lots of colouring in and a good chat. It was lovely to be able to spend some time with GD1 (obviously GD2 as well, but I see more of her than GD1). I had Book 3 of the Davina Dupree books for GD1 so when OH went down to the village he got a nice comic for GD2 and by chance it had a doctor's kit as the 'free gift'. This was really handy as GD2's doll, Christabel was very ill. She had a fever and a broken ankle, and was going to have to stay in hospital for at least 15 weeks! We found her a lovely crib (a bread basket) and lined it with soft hand towels. She was a very good patient with a very good doctor!!!

                        After lunch we watched a few Tom & Jerry cartoons then played hide and seek - always a favourite here - and fed the neighbour's cats. It was a pity the weather was so awful, but we found plenty to keep us occupied. The dogs were both tired after lots of exercise yesterday, so they spent a while cuddled up on the hearth sleeping it off.

                        When I got home I made soup for tomorrow's lunch and cooked dinner. OH has got to have a wobbly tooth extracted tomorrow so soup sounded like a good idea. I think I'd better make sure it's smooth soup!

                        I haven't looked after both girls since last October and I'd forgotten how you're constantly on the go! I'm off for an early night ready to do it all again tomorrow.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          That sounds a lovely day Daisy I hope you slept well and are ready for today's rerun !

                          GS2 played hide and seek with me on Friday, but kept telling me where to hide
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Sounds a good day Daisy think I will leave museums till they are older lol, all the twins want is some grass to run on and a cafe 😂
                            YES Daisy constantly on the go and the following morning aching body 😬


                              We went to York with Dd and family yesterday to the Jorvik centre really interesting, had a lovely lunch at a choice made by sil recognise it Gem it’s on my media small world

