Josh last week had to do a 4 page essay about something significant that had happened to him that changed his life ,or way of living .
He had to write about how he felt and his thoughts when it happened ,
Now most of his friends wrote about Parents divorcing ,or new siblings been born , or moving house etc ,
Not Josh , he couldn't write about anything like that and couldn't think of anything that had changed his life or way of living
So he wrote a 4 page essay on the first time he had a Turkey and Gravy sandwich in the School canteen
How lovely it tasted and how he felt eating it ,
we were in hysterics that he could actually find that much to write about a sandwich and expected him not to get any marks for it ,
Well he received his papers back today and got full marks and a A*
The teacher loved how he had thought out of the box and said he's never laughed so much at a essay , and he bought Josh a Turkey and gravy sandwich for his lunch hahaha
Who would have thought a Sandwich would get him a A*
He had to write about how he felt and his thoughts when it happened ,
Now most of his friends wrote about Parents divorcing ,or new siblings been born , or moving house etc ,
Not Josh , he couldn't write about anything like that and couldn't think of anything that had changed his life or way of living
So he wrote a 4 page essay on the first time he had a Turkey and Gravy sandwich in the School canteen

How lovely it tasted and how he felt eating it ,
we were in hysterics that he could actually find that much to write about a sandwich and expected him not to get any marks for it ,
Well he received his papers back today and got full marks and a A*

The teacher loved how he had thought out of the box and said he's never laughed so much at a essay , and he bought Josh a Turkey and gravy sandwich for his lunch hahaha
Who would have thought a Sandwich would get him a A*
