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There's only one Elizabeth now

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    There's only one Elizabeth now

    Last Sunday I was invited to DD2 and family for a meal. My OH was away with friends playing golf.

    Chatting with GS, aged 6, I mentioned his friend coming to tea the following day.

    'Yes, a friend here tomorrow and family member here today!' Followed by 'Why are you here today?' Only a child could ask that
    I said I was there to see them after my holiday as I missed them, and that I had been to see Nanna, who lives nearby.

    That prompted all the following from GS-

    That Nanna was the same age as the Queen (almost true) That he was sad the Queen had died (I said I was too but was happy that she had a good long life)That his teacher told him she would never see another Queen, as William and George would follow Charles. He also knew that if George had a daughter first there would be another Queen in time.
    He then turned to me and said 'There's only one Elizabeth now.'

    It's only me now then
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Aww that is so sweet Gem,
    I think I would have cried 😁❤️
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Gem, that is sweet, my great nephew took his mum and niece to lay flowers in Alnwick, his mum was upset, the niece told him it was because she was the same age as the Queen! Ouch!!!!


        Got to love the things they say.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Oh that is so sweet - and, of course very true. xx

          It reminds me of a lady I met who had been a dressmaker with Normal Hartnell and often visited both the Queen and the Queen Mother. Her grandson asked one day if she was going to see the Queen Mother or just the ordinary Queen. She told the "ordinary Queen" and she laughed and said that was her.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)

