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Animals marrying

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    Animals marrying

    When we were driving home from Gs2's birthday the other day, GS1 in the back of the car was chattering on. He talks a lot, most of the time really, even if playing a video game!
    No game in the car, so he was talking about all sorts, pets a lot of the time, as he has been promised one.

    He started to tell us about what I presume was a mongrel type of dog, but he explained it as 'Imagine if a certain type of dog married another type and they had babies, that the sort of dog I mean'. He then went into flights of fantasy about 'What if a sheep married a cow, etc.'

    I found the term marrying for the animals mating extremely sweet and amusing
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    He's such a sweetie, Gem, and has a fantastic imagination. I bet he never switches off with his curiosity. xx

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      He must have thought it through Gem , quite clever boy really to even work that out

      He has a great imagination hasn't he
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Bless him. It was a good way of getting his thoughts across.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Loads of imagination there. Nice of him to think of you.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

