Awww Libra thank you so much that is so kind
He has 6 weeks of trials and fingers crossed they keep him on the squad , but if not Newcastle want him ,
He knows there are many boys waiting in the wings and its a great opportunity for him but not to be down hearted if he doesn't succeed his time will come if its meant to be
We are all keeping his head out of the clouds and his feet on the ground .
Well done Josh. Hope you have a great time. Joe’s Harlequin trial is 14th February and I am having Sadie that day. He has been a bit iffy about it, too long to go into but we think son is being a bit pushy with him because he wants it for him so much and maybe also for himself in our opinion. We will see. However he does it is a lovely opportunity for him and I hope the outcome for Joe is the same as for Josh.
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together