We had a lovely day yesterday in Salisbury, the weather was glorious which was a bonus. We visited the cathedral, an fantastic building - every time I see it I am amazed at how it could have been built all those years ago. We also visited the Magna Carta exhibition, something I had been wanting to do for ages saw the actual manuscript which was written 800 years ago . There was a very interesting animated film which explained why and how the Magna Carta came to be written, which made it very easy to understand and saved me trying to explain it to DH
. He has no interest in history but still found it fascinating. Our lives could all have been so different without it.
What annoyed me though, were all the people, mostly non-British, who were ignoring the "please don't take photos" signs in and around the little tent where the Magna Carta was displayed. There is of course a real reason not to have loads of flashlights going off all the time but no-one seemed to bother. I was cross
but could only say, in a loud voice, No Photographs!! DH said ...that German guy is glaring at you.......so what , it's OUR history
. Made me feel better!
Edited: I'm not really a grumpy old woman, honest

What annoyed me though, were all the people, mostly non-British, who were ignoring the "please don't take photos" signs in and around the little tent where the Magna Carta was displayed. There is of course a real reason not to have loads of flashlights going off all the time but no-one seemed to bother. I was cross

Edited: I'm not really a grumpy old woman, honest
