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Music Dilemma

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    Music Dilemma

    I'm wondering how/what devices you all use to listen to music.

    At the moment, we have an antiquated set up of tuner, amp, turntable, cd player and casette player housed in an old tv stand with a couple of shelves on it. The turntable and one speaker sit on top of it. It lives in the dining room. In the kitchen I have a device called a Squeeze box radio which will play music from my computer as well as being a digital radio. I hardly ever use the dining room set up because it's a pain and the dining room has ended up as a bit of a dumping ground, so not inviting to relax and chill.

    But, with the new velux windows and redecoration I want to turn that end of the room into a small sitting area (the nearest we'lll get to a conservatory) and would like a smaller and more convenient music centre. I'm not bothered about cassettes (we don't have many anyway) but I'd like to be able to play vinyl and stream from my computer. So I'm just wondering what everybody else has and what you like best.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    Our set give up the ghost about a month ago and hasn't been replaced yet so for now we listen to music via the TV no idea how it works got something to do with the dish outside , I don't have a lot of space to have anything big so I would like something compact too , be interesting to see what others have Daisy
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Generally we just listen to music via one of the radio channels on TV, or a cd on the dvd player. We do have an i pod and speaker, but as my i tunes account is linked to a long gone computer, I feel as if I am living in my past when we listen to that!
      I'm sure if we persevered we could stream music from some device to that speaker.

      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gem, you should be able to link your new pc to your iTunes account by signing in with your email address and password as iTunes is stored on a 'cloud ' and not actually on your pc.

        We both have iPods which can be played via a radio we have in the kitchen and also a radio/cd player in the sitting room. Also if I turn on the Bluetooth on my iPad and soundbar we have connected to the TV ( gives surround cinema sound) we can listen to music through that. We still play cds and OH still has a turntable to play his vinyl records on.

        Daisy, if you want to stream music from you pc you could try getting some speakers that will connect to the pc via Wi-Fi . It is possible to get multi room speakers.
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          I have CD's (Vinyl in the loft) which I play on a CD player. I do have a radio CD player in the kitchen but rarely use it. When OH was alive he used to play classic music on a CD player at breakfast time on a Sunday. I can listen to radio through the television but have only used it to record and listen to the Archers.

          Goodness Mimi you are a font of knowledge regarding music gadgets.
          Last edited by Plantaholic; 17-04-2017, 09:06 AM.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            We can listen to music via the tv or digital radio. But i never listen to music now,used to do.
            If hubby is working in the garage or shed,the first thing he does on opening up,is put the radio on.
            Last time we decorated the living room,we got rid of the music centre and most of the cd's.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              I have an iPod in the conservatory with music downloaded from itunes, in the dining room we have a radio and cd
              player fastened to the wall so no need to have a surface for it, we have French doors leading into the dining room so leave the doors open all day to listen to it. Our TVs is in another room so not a room I use until evening, I also listen to music on my iPad down loaded again from iTunes radio alarms in bedrooms which I listen to when knocking about upstairs also shower radio, as you can see I love my music, no vinyl given it all to my son who is a vinyl freak who has just spent £1000 on a turntable 😱😳


                My OH has a turntable she bought a few years ago, but it was cheap and the sound isnt great. My ex took most of the vinyls, which I was happy for him to have as he is far more into music than I am.
                I kept my picture discs though, they may be worth something some day!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  What is a picture disc Gemini?
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    It's a vinyl record Plant, usually a LP. On the record there is a photo as there would be on an album cover.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      There are so many options, aren't there! Many thanks for all the ideas. Mimi - I hadn't thought of multi-room speakers, although I never listen to music in the living room because OH always has the television on. I have got a very old, and not very large ipod, so perhaps I should look at getting a better one and putting all my music on to that!

                      Our turntable is one piece of kit I would keep, as I like vinyl. Gem - I've got some picture discs too - some were in the form of cards and other like post cards!

                      Nanto - I sometimes like music on in the kitchen - usually if I'm doing a lot of cooking/baking, and I often play music as background while I'm on the computer, but sometimes I just want to sit and listen.

                      Qwerty - a shower radio sounds like absolute luxury. Mind you, we might run out of hot water because I'd spend so long in there! Your son's turntable must be something really special.

                      Oma - do you have an ipod - that wouldn't take up too much space with a small docking thingy.

                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Good grief I feel so out of date
                        We have a radio in the kitchen and a CD/radio in the dinning end, of the same room.
                        and the TV we can use in the main room.
                        Then just a little TV in the bedroom.
                        No Ipods and Streaming here. Whatever that it??
                        I listen to music mainly in the car.


                          GJ, most of the time I listen to the radio in kitchen or bedroom. I'm not really into music any more, I mostly listen to radio 4 anyway. OH is the one who would like something more technical, as she is far more likely to want music on than I am.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Sometimes, when life gets busier than usual, I don't get round to listening to music, and then when I do, I wonder how I survived without it! I've just put a link on your thread about Graceland and have carried on playing a whole variety of tracks, all very different, but all music I love.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              We have a cute little digital radio which we got free with the Daily Mail (I collect the reward numbers) and music through the TV we are only small so we don't need anything else maybe hubby will treat himself to a radio to use in his man shed who knows !!
                              Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

