Thanks again for your suggestions. Cleaning the oven using your OH I'd like to see Pearl. Daisy, your reply made me smile I must admit. You know what it's like tho' when there's been a job waiting for you for yonks....well, this is one. I can go away feeling that I've accomplished something that's been bugging me. I have been struggling with getting to the oven walls because I couldn't remove the shelf supports. I found the Bosch website today for the instruction manual & there it was. Not easy but yeah...done it. Got the oven cleaner today that a few of you have suggested so whatever the weather tomorrow the kitchen windows will be open & the door, with pooch upstairs out of the way. That's my intention anyway.
I make a promise to myself every time I use the oven that I never keep. "I WILL wipe down the oven when I've used it." From another website I definitely belong to the Sluts Club.
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
In the school kitchen they used o coat the oven and shelves with a mixture of bicarbonate and water and rub it all over the inside and next time you clean it the grease just washes off. The Guides coat thir cooking pots and pans with a mixture of washing powder and water when they were cooking over a fire to get the black off. My oven is supposed to be self cleaning but it uses so much electricity and it doesn't all flake off.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
LOL Aggie and Nana, this must be what they mean, when they say you can read a message different to someone else, must read posts back... mind it might be an idea....
I always say i will wipe cooker down every time i am finished, but use the excuse it is still too hot....
I always clean the hob after every use but I'm not so good at cleaning the oven every time unless something has spilled over, but if I think that may happen I try to remember to put a tray under to catch the spill my pet hate is the double glass on the oven door , how does stuff manage to get itself in between the two glasses that's a mystery to me I'm forever cleaning both sides of class only to find its in the middle and I have to take one panel out
Like Oma I always go through the house before I go away change bedding, empty dishwasher I go away calmed knowing my house is squeaky clean I am certainly ready for a break by then 🙄
Well given that I am not one of you lot I have a recommendation. You know (possibly) that I have dark glass shelving and sideboard and they do get dusty especially with our proximity to the airport. I found Pledge dry dusting cloths when I was mooching around Superdrug of all places and they are great! They do not stop the dust coming back but removes it completely with a quick swipe. Phew never thought I would be recommending cleaning cloths
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Well, the oven will be waiting for me when I get back....the best laid plans 'n all that. I had an unscheduled return visit to the hairdressers this afternoon so I've had to put the job on hold. Did the ironing tho' when I got back. When needs must. Still, the oven should be a breeze when I get to do it...better armed
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
Oh yes!! And I was soaked through to the skin having been caught in the rain with no hat or coat. I took it there this morning about 7.30 after dropping husband at work. He thought it was very amusing and said, with a twinkle in his eye, when I dropped him off "oh look there is a bag of ironing on the back seat here - did you know?" I gave him a smack! I wish I had a cleaning fairy as well as an ironing fairy, would suit me down to the ground and then I wouldn't have to think about the C word ever again!
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
I'm with Plantaholic on this one and would "get a man who can" and if you have a lot of ironing call "the ironing lady" some things are far too stressful and I have the excuse of a poorly shoulder so I can get away with it