My DS was a total nightmare when we sat as a family playing board games the worst one was monopoly, well that would just be flung off the table, card games would end up where they were all stuck into each other, other games, i would end up taking the game away, no more games....spoil sport aren't I...
Well we tried to play monopoly at the weekend and all i can say is T is the same as his dad, and to top it all he was shouting everyone else was cheating when he landed on a house or got a card where he had to pay money, after so many chances he ended up getting taking away from the game, started a new game and he promised to play properly, ended up exactly the same he just cant help himself....anyone else have a spoil sport in the family...
Well we tried to play monopoly at the weekend and all i can say is T is the same as his dad, and to top it all he was shouting everyone else was cheating when he landed on a house or got a card where he had to pay money, after so many chances he ended up getting taking away from the game, started a new game and he promised to play properly, ended up exactly the same he just cant help himself....anyone else have a spoil sport in the family...