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Who wins?

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    Who wins?

    When you play games - board games, etc, with your GCs do you let them win or do you play to win?

    The reason I'm asking is yesterday I was playing noughts and corsses with GD1, aged 4 1/2. I let her start each time and the first two or 3 games were stalemate. She was clearly thinking through her tactics and playing very well. On the next game she made a mistake and without giving it too much thought I completed my row of noughts, thinking I must make sure she wins the following game. She immediately accused me of having an extra go so we counted up and she could see I'd won fair and square. With the light of battle in her eyes she drew the next grid, while I wrote 'Grandma won' on mine. GD was outraged "You can't write on them, Grandma". "Yes I can", I replied. This went back and forth a bit and I said she was making up the rules as she went along. She screwed up the disputed game and announced it was going in the bin, so I said, no it should go on the fridge. 'It's not going on my fridge', she insisted.

    By this time I couldn't control my giggles any more and she told me I had to play 'properly'. Still giggling helplessly, I gave her a hug and said 'I love you', and she said 'I love you too, but you must play properly'!

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)

    When we have played Board games we have always let them win a few but let them lose a few too , I always think if we let them win them all they wont be able to cope with not winning if playing with other children . mind you we have had the arms folded and that's not fair or you not playing it right Nana We have even had the game upended before . Oliver liked to make his own rules up as we went along ,in his favour of course hahaha .I dread playing scrabble with Josh as he spells way better than me and I never win
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      We play M and M bingo with the kids sometimes. I am the caller and they love all the "two fat ladies eight-eight" stuff. It is very important for them to win as they get two M and Ms for a line and five for a full house. They get very cross if someone is getting more M and Ms than they are and even Granddad gets competitive when sweets are involved. I tend to go with Oma with things like hangman and scrabble - I let them win sometimes and occasionally swoop in so they know that Grandma is not a complete dunce.
      Be careful when blindly following the Masses.
      Sometimes the 'M' is silent.


        I can understand why you had to try hard not to laugh, Daisy!

        I'm a bit like Oma, give them leeway and let them win sometimes, but not every time. It also depends on the age of the child!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          When C was younger and we were playing football, he used to change the rules as he went along especially if he wasn't winning! So we used to set the rules before we started playing! Now that he's older and is playing proper football and cricket he knows he has to abide by the rules and not what he thinks!
          They do make you laugh though don't they.....convinced they're in the right all the time!
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            My DS was the worst loser of all when playing games, if I was playing with all the kids, we stuck to the rules, if he was loosing that was it, talk about a strop, it used to end up everyone arguing him sent to his room after he had tipped the board up this went on every time unless he was winning... T is exactly the same, the noise when they all get competitive is just madness, mine make the rules up as they go along if i am not playing, games always start off well in this house but never end well..... T loves to play monopoly and likes to play it by himself, he always wins.....
            How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


              Originally posted by Oma View Post
              When we have played Board games we have always let them win a few but let them lose a few too , I always think if we let them win them all they wont be able to cope with not winning if playing with other children . mind you we have had the arms folded and that's not fair or you not playing it right Nana We have even had the game upended before . Oliver liked to make his own rules up as we went along ,in his favour of course hahaha .I dread playing scrabble with Josh as he spells way better than me and I never win
              That was what I intended to do, Oma, but we didn't get that far! The funny thing was, she didn't get cross with me, she was just totally adamant that I wasn't allowed to write on the game! It felt a bit like role reversal with me being the naughty 4 year old and her being the grown-up! LOL
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                I always play to win. Joe always wins at Downfall and usually Frustration though. I do think it important that they are competitive but learn to lose gracefully.
                Othello is the game of choice at the moment.
                Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                Eleanor Roosevelt.


                  GM - I'd forgotten about Othello. My sons used to love it and we had a travel version which kep them happy for hours on long car journeys.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)

