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Wall mounted canopies

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    Wall mounted canopies

    Does anyone have one of these , you know the kind that are wall mounted and you wind down to give shade,

    We thinking of getting one as I cant sit in the sun and our small garden is quite cluttered with a standing brolly type ,
    im wondering how hard wearing they are and if they last long ?
    How easy are they to put out and go back in ?
    Im not fat just 6ft too small

    Sorry Oma, I know the kind you mean but we don't have one and I don't know anyone who has
    We just have a parasol which can go though the middle of your table or be free standing somewhere else. And a gazebo which we don't use much which takes up most of the lawn!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Thanks Gem , we have the Parasol the same but being such a small space it takes a lot of room up and I keep having to lug it around when the sun moves , we had a Gezebo but it was a faff on putting it up and down then if it was really windy sometimes the pins you stake it to the ground would come out , I loved it but it was a nightmare
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Oma I know exactly what you mean we had one fitted to the rear of our villa in Albir,they are very good and can be kept in good order if you can during the winter cover the material part (when folded back) with waterproof covering to stop the material rotting.
        They can be bought either with manual winding arm or they can be motorised there are all differant types on e-bay for you to look at I would like to have the space to have one fitted here but we dont have the space.
        You can get the side panels also which give you some extra outdoor dining space on cooler evenings.
        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


          My sister had a wall mounted one when she bought her bungalow a couple of years ago. It is electric, so she can put it in or out as she wishes. It also has a device that makes it retract automatically if it gets too windy. It is a brilliant invention, but I have know idea how it would cost to purchase one and have it fitted. I guess it would be quite expensive.
          Always face the sunshine and the shadows fall behind you.


            Oma - we inherited pull out sun blinds in our last house. There was a large extension to the house with floor to ceiling windows and it was south facing.

            The blinds were probably quite old even then (1984-ish). They retracted into their own housing so took up no room and you pulled them out with one of those poles with a hook on and they really did give good shade on the patio and kept the room cooler as well. They happened to be red and white stripes and made the room look a bit like a fast-food outlet - so we always called the room The Wimpy Bar!

            Because they retracted so well we didn't have to do anything to protect them in the winter, and I think there were dangly bits at the side for extra shade, but they were only short.

            They were a bit like the stripey one on the link - but this one looks a lot posher and I think is radio controlled!

            H2450 outdoor awnings and blinds fitted in England & Wales. Request a Haus Awning design consultation from Appeal online today.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Thank you ladies , we think we will go for a motorised one they sound just what we need
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                We shall await the photos when finished Oma 😊
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  I have an electric one , this room gets very hot when the sun shines , but this keeps room cool and is nice to sit out under , not sure how to add a picture


                    Oma - we had one of those Hillarys Blinds leaflets today, and I notices they do canopies as well.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Thanks ladies , Aggie that's good to know , it gets very hot in our little patch and so does the Dining room so it would go over the patio doors leading into the dining room
                      Daisy I will have a look on line
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Ours is an Awning , like outside shops


                          That's the type im on about Aggie the wall outside will take a two metre one so I will get shade both in the garden and it will keep the sun out of the dining room
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Ours is brilliant , it is electrically operated and I have the remote on the table so I can have it fully out or only a little , got it from Avalon Blinds


                              Oma - we loved our 'Wimpy bar' blinds as well, and they made such a huge difference to the room, as well as providing shade on the patio.
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)

