Next weekend my GD is 16.The problem is what to give her. I have asked her and her Mum but have not been given any ideas.
I daren’t buy clothes as my choice would definitely not be hers. Same goes for jewellery. Books,again I don’t know what she likes and anyway most teenagers reading is done on the I- pad these days and she is revising for GCSE’s at the moment.I finally decided to have a little trinket box engraved for her as it is a special birthday.In America they go for Sweet Sixteen in a big way.I shall put a little cash inside it. I have also bought her a personal alarm to keep on her key ring or in her bag. I know it’s not a very exciting gift but if she has one I hope it will keep her safe as possible while out and about.
As the GC get older it does get tricky to think of presents they will actually like Do those of you with teen GC have the same problem?
.I hope the trinket box will be a keepsake that will remind L of how much we love her.

As the GC get older it does get tricky to think of presents they will actually like Do those of you with teen GC have the same problem?
.I hope the trinket box will be a keepsake that will remind L of how much we love her.