My younger grandson is 18 months old. He has always been well fed. Breastfed for the first weeks, then bottle, weaned onto healthy foods, always offered a good variety of good food.
For the last few months he has been a picky eater. Suddenly not wanting things he had liked,and often refusing food. He will always have milk, raisins, and bit of things like pasta, bananas and toast. But not the satisfying amount of food we like to see them eating!
We have put this down to teething which he has been doing a lot of. DD however was still worried, so talked to her health visitor about it.
HV was very reassuring. They went through all that had happened in GS's life since he lost interest in food. In 10 weeks he had : a chest infection, 3 colds, a sickness bug, got 8 teeth, learnt to walk, transitioned to just one afternoon nap and dropped all his daytime bottles (apart from some Grandma sneaks him when he's not eaten well
HV thinks it is almost certainly the teething that has triggered this, but that so many changes in a short time may have knocked his body clock out of sync a bit. As long as he isn't losing weight, which he isn't, and is having plenty of dairy and his vitamin supplements, and is happy and active, not to worry.
She also said not to worry too much about letting him have things he will eat, like cereal, toast, raisins, pasta, bananas, breadsticks, cheese sandwiches etc, while continuing to offer other foods alongside them.
I have no experience of difficult eaters really. DDs 1 and 2 were a dream to feed. DD3 was a little more fussy than them in that there were foods she wouldn't eat, but nothing like this.
Fingers crossed that this will soon rectify itself and he will be a good eater again.
For the last few months he has been a picky eater. Suddenly not wanting things he had liked,and often refusing food. He will always have milk, raisins, and bit of things like pasta, bananas and toast. But not the satisfying amount of food we like to see them eating!
We have put this down to teething which he has been doing a lot of. DD however was still worried, so talked to her health visitor about it.
HV was very reassuring. They went through all that had happened in GS's life since he lost interest in food. In 10 weeks he had : a chest infection, 3 colds, a sickness bug, got 8 teeth, learnt to walk, transitioned to just one afternoon nap and dropped all his daytime bottles (apart from some Grandma sneaks him when he's not eaten well

HV thinks it is almost certainly the teething that has triggered this, but that so many changes in a short time may have knocked his body clock out of sync a bit. As long as he isn't losing weight, which he isn't, and is having plenty of dairy and his vitamin supplements, and is happy and active, not to worry.
She also said not to worry too much about letting him have things he will eat, like cereal, toast, raisins, pasta, bananas, breadsticks, cheese sandwiches etc, while continuing to offer other foods alongside them.
I have no experience of difficult eaters really. DDs 1 and 2 were a dream to feed. DD3 was a little more fussy than them in that there were foods she wouldn't eat, but nothing like this.
Fingers crossed that this will soon rectify itself and he will be a good eater again.