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The gas fire saga!


    The gas fire saga!

    Some of you may remember something of this story.

    My mum has no central heating, although most rooms are independently heated. The living room is heated by a radiant gas fire.
    We got this a few years ago,and it is the warmest and most economical one on the market. Ideal for an elderly person with no other form of heating in that room. Her best friend has an inset living flame gas fire. And central heating. For two or three winters mum has moaned after seeing her friend that she wants a fire like that, it lovely, hers is horrible etc etc. We know that these fires are not as warm and are designed to go with background heating, The people in the shops have told us the same. The outset ones with glass front over the flames are warmer and a compromise. She seemed set for one of those then one day told me she hated those and didn't want one!
    I recently learned from DD3 that my mum told her I was stopping her having the fire she wanted for no good reason!
    In the end it is her money she knows her own mind, so despite my misgivings I took her to look at them in the showrooms, OH and I having done the legwork first to see what was available.
    A fitting date was fixed, December 18th. Mum wanted me present, and that was a busy day but I told then what times I could be there and they wrote it on the notes.
    I arrived at mums just before 11. She couldn't have the fire on at all that morning as the fire needed to be cold and we didn't know what time, from 11 onwards they would arrive. We sat in the kitchen with the tiny plug in radiator, for 3 hours. Mum had a water bottle on her knee inside a cover which she usually does anyway.
    Just before 2 the gas fitters arrived and bought everything in. They took one look at where the fire was to go and said it wouldn't go there!
    When I asked why he said something about the plaster and how the brass plate fitted. I think I was too dismayed to take it in really.
    To sum up, for mum to have this type of fire some sort of plate needs to be fitted first. They can of course do this at a future date, but the cost would be an extra £250. Unsurprisingly, as she was already spending over £600, mum did not want this. So the fire left the house as quickly as it arrived, and mum will be refunded the £300 deposit she paid a few weeks ago.
    I told her to think it though and that if she really still wanted it we can rebook, and she should pay the extra, as I know she can afford it.
    Just now she doesn't feel that she will though. She even phoned me last night, about something else and told me she actually likes the old fire!!!!!
    This could all change in a week, but we shall see.

    I was very impressed by how my mum took this. She can lose the plot over nothing, and this must have been so disappointing for her. I felt very sorry for her,
    She was philosophical, saying she was no worse off, still had warmth and in fact was £300 better off!!
    People can surprise us sometimes!

    This may not be the end of the saga, so watch this space.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem - what a saga, indeed. I know your mum isn't always easy, but I really do feel sorry for her over this.

    But perhaps it's all for the best. She was actually making a very poor choice, and I am wondering if she kind of realised this but didn't want to back down or lose face over it, so when it wasn't going to happen, maybe she was a bit relieved. Saving all that money might have helped too.

    It's a pity you and S had to go through all the work it entailed when you're already very busy, but at least your mum will stay warm. Has she thought about putting the money saved towards central heating?
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Well it wasn't meant to be Gem ,
      Sometimes its for the best , a shame you and S have gone to so much trouble though ,
      Poor Mum must have been disappointed or maybe as Daisy said relieved as she realised her mistake , see what happens in the next few weeks
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        It must be impossible to deal with someone who insists in what she wants and then changes her mind after the time you and OH spent trying to please her. Wonder what she would have felt if the fire was fitted. Onwards and upwards Gemini.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          We inherited a gas flame fire with this house. It takes the chill off the air in spring and autumn but nowhere near enough on days like today. OH doesn’t like it and now that he is retired it very rarely gets turned on.

          Dealing with elderly people must be very frustrating. You have the patience of a saint Gem!


            Like Daisy said,maybe your mum was relieved.
            Just a pity you and S did all the legwork beforehand.
            I shall watch this space.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Phew Gem what a saga you could have really done with out it, Saint you are I think I would have burst into tears , but mum seems ok with the outcome anyway 🔥


                Well, almost 11 months later the gas fire is fitted!
                Mum still wanted a living flame fire, so we set the wheels in motion again.
                The fitters came a few weeks ago and fully measured for it .I went in the next day to pay the deposit and book a date, which was yesterday.
                All went smoothly and my mum is very happy with her fire. It is much nicer and bigger than she imagined.

                Although it is a very simple up and down slider on the side, it will a take day or two for mum to get the hang of it at her age.
                I explained and demonstrated it lots of times yesterday and got her to alter the flame and switch it on and off a couple of times each.
                At 10.20pm last night she phoned me as she couldn't switch it off, which I half expected to be honest. I had visions of driving over there in my PJs, but luckily I was able to talk her through it, and get her to ring back when she had done it.
                I hope she can switch it back on today!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Like you Gem I was waiting for that. Does she have to press an ignition switch the same time as turning the knob? Saw the pics & it does look lovely.
                  "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                  (Doe Zantamata.)


                    No Nana, it's really easy, no knobs just a slider

                    I phoned her today to check and she was sitting in front of her nice warm fire 😊
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Sounds a easy set up Gem she must have gotten the hang of it now
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oma, let's hope so and no phone call tonight
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Phew, Gem! I bet you thought this day would never come! Thank goodness your mum is happy with her new fire, and that it's going to keep her nice and warm this winter.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Sorted at last Gem. Long may it continue.


                              I went to be early last night, but OH assures me no phone call from my mum, so she's cracked it
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

