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    Well been to Dentist and not as expensive as I thought I have 1 filling to get and rather than crown my front teeth he's going to repair them and build them up with this new glue and stuff got to back on the 15th a hour long treatment but only cost me £58 😀👍said if he put crowns on could cause more damage with one having a crack down the middle , well I'm not complaining it's a lot cheaper , will only do OHs fillings he won't do anything about the discoloured filling in his front tooth as it could be problematic so said wait till he is well after Transplant then he will work on that
    Gem glad your knee feeling better 😊xxx
    Forgot to say Qwerty text me yesterday her poor friend going downhill lost the use of her legs and been admitted to Hospital Qwerty very sad at the moment
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      That's so sad Oma
      I understand as I lost a friend to breast cancer aged 41, to see her go downhill was terrible.
      I hope one day Qwerty will be able to join us here again and get our support - and have a laugh, as that is so important too when life is so sad.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Very sad Oma, tell Qwerty we are thinking of her.

        hope the knee improves soon Gem. I have had problems with my knees over the years, but lately have improved....maybe the cod liver oil capsules are working

        Had a lovely walk this morning by some local lakes with our walking group. Glorious weather, blue sky and sunshine and there were so many if us, about 40 turned up which was nice.
        "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


          Poor Qwerty, she has had a lot to put up with this year, do hope she joins in again soon, even if only for a shoulder to lean on. I have done some online Christmas shopping, only had a quick walk with the dog as I feel so lousy. So thought while I am sitting here twiddling my thumbs lol. Sent a quick text to eldest DD to see if she had started tearing her hair out yet, huge kitchen refurb with walls coming down started today, think they are take aways all this week.
          Last edited by Libra Gran; 31-10-2016, 02:35 PM.
          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


            Libra just keep telling her it will all be worth it in the end , I still remember the mess and tears we had when we did this in our old house and the noise off them knocking walls out 😲 .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Welcome to November

              Weatherwise, it doesn't feel like November. Yesterday was a lovely day,plenty of sunshine.
              Libra, been there with the kitchen.Our large kitchen was 2 rooms before hubby knocked the wall and pantry out. Your DD will have a lovely kitchen though,when it's all finished.
              Sad news about Qwerty's friend.
              How is the knee Gem.
              Oma, pleased the dentist bill wasn't too big.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Sad news about Qwerty's friend, please tell her I am thinking about her when you speak to her again Oma.

                Only two two more months left of this year ! Can't believe it has passed by so quick. I must take on board my dad's advice and stand back, stop and look at the view around me when I am out and about. He said no matter where you are , take it all in. The view from your own hometown or holiday can be so beautiful. You just don't appreciate it till you can no longer see it.
                Look, enjoy and remember.
                Well there wasn't a lot to see around here yesterday. We went to see DD and our two GSs , when we left here there was very thick fog but as we traveled by train to Cardiff it cleared and the sun shone and it was a lovely warm day. As we made our way back home we met up with the fog again. According to DS it never lifted at all. It was so thick last night DS had to leave his bike at work as it wasn't safe to ride it . He had a lift home in his friend's car and they passed two nasty accidents on the roads as they did. Hope no one was seriously hurt.

                Have a lovely day everyone, wishing good health to anyone feeling under the weather today.
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  I do agree Mimi, we have to take time to "stand and stare" ........ Can't remember who wrote that, but so true.

                  yesterday morning was glorious here, wall to wall blue sky and sunshine. We had a lovely morning with our walking group at a local beauty spot, two lakes with plenty to see, absolutely gorgeous. So far today it's a bit dull but might brighten up later. Not sure what our plans are yet but I'm happy that my vertigo seems to have almost gone and I feel more normal again, whatever normal is

                  Enjoy your day everyone, hope it's a good one for you all.
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    Good morning everyone.
                    Very wise words Mimi. We should indeed indeed take time to appreciate the small things, every day.
                    Good news that you are feeling so much better, Enfys!

                    My knee is a lot better. I didn't do much walking yesterday, and put ice on it again for a while last night.
                    Today is my doing something nice for me day, in my new regime of having something enjoyable to do at least once a week. I had got a bit bogged down with being a 'sandwich carer' and never seemed to have time for me, so decided to do something about it. OH is golfing today, which is usual for Tuesday. I have a client to go to at 4.30, but am free until then. I plan to go to the cinema around midday. I'm looking forward to it
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning from a very misty Poole, I have an appointment at BGH later for hopefully my last check up on my eye. Must get motivated and get myself in the shower. Have a good day all.
                      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                        Morning ladies OH gone to get his stitches out at Dr,s then we off to Smyth,s toy store , we stuck for ideas for GS2 they so hard to buy for now having everything too soon in my opinion , had shower this morning put makeup on , dried hair and tied it up came downstairs and OH said are you going out like that ? Looked down at myself and I had put my PJ,s back on , no the wonder I felt comfy 😄
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Aww, I'm sure you looked lovely Oma
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Back from Smyth,s no further on , picked up another couple of things for GD but nothing for GS2 went into sports shop got couple things for GS1 , so had to text DS see if he has any ideas what to get GS2, still waiting a reply ☺
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Running late at BGH as per usual Boy I hate this sitting around.
                              "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                                Wasn't a very good start to the day weatherwise.Cleaned upstairs and changed the bedding.
                                Sun eventually came out and partly dried the washing. Still sunny now.
                                Last night i ordered a pair of knee high boots from Marisota, and they were delivered at 10'oclock this morning. Hows that for speedy delivery.
                                It does say on their site, if you order before 10pm items will be delivered the next day.
                                Very pleased with the boots as well.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

