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    Good for you getting some gardening done Daisy, I went to help in the allotment, after 30 minutes the heavens opened! The lady that lives just under me was there as well so we both arrived home soaked to the skin!

    I must say the fall prevention went very well, we all really enjoyed it, the man doing it is one I know from the gym, he is there daily and I didn't realise he did this, I managed to do most of the falls which surprised me! The falling has a lot in common with judo falls, so he told us. The lady that does the better moving class on a Thursday was there as well, she was very surprised at how good it was, she was discussing with the man how to get some of the moves in her class. I do think we will all have stiff necks and shoulders tomorrow though.

    I went for my car after that, it passed so that was a good thing.

    Plant, I do try to keep myself occupied, I can move well with the soles, tights etc etc, I never complain really, just get on with it.


      Daisy, i buy Aunt Bessies frozen dumplings.
      They only take about 5 minutes in the air fryer.

      Gem, glad S liked her bird bath.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Thank you Nanto. I didn't even know you could by them ready-made! I should get out more.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Looks a bit overcast this morning.

          Out and about today, going into town.
          We want to look for some new furniture for the conservatory.
          I've just ordered a new kettle and toaster set from Amazon.

          No cooking today,we will eat out.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good Saturday morning, everyone.

            Nanto, have you ordered matching kettle and toaster? Mine are at either end of a work surface, but I do like them being the same brand!

            Lizzie, the fall prevention class sounds such a good idea. Knowing how to fall 'safely' could save a lot of people from broken limbs or worse. Glad you car passed ok. It's always a relief to know you're not facing a huge garage bill.

            It's overcast here as well. I really hope it doesn't rain so I can get washing and gardening done. It's my lovely DIL2's birthday today, so sometime over the week-end I'd like to pop over and give her her birthday present and card. Other than that, we've got nothing planned, but it's quite nice to have a day at home after such a hectic couple of weeks.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning.

              I hadn't heard of frozen dumplings either we must try them!

              Good to eat out and have no cooking Nan2.

              I hope your DIL has a lovely birthday Daisy.

              I am not very well this morning. Sickness and diarrhoea. I am going to stay in bed for while. We are supposed to be eating out with a group of friends for OH's birthday tonight. If the sickness was a one off I may be OK tonight, but if it continues I won't go. I hope OH doesn't catch it.

              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem, I'm so sorry to hear you're not well. Is there some kind of bug doing the rounds, or does it feel more food related? Take care. I hope you are ok for OH's birthday tonight. Sending hugs. xxx
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Morning ladies
                  Oh no I hope it’s just a one off otherwise you will have to postpone the celebrations till another time ,
                  Im sure your friends will understand , stay in bed till you feel upto it xxx

                  Do you know what furniture you want for the conservatory or is it a case of seek and find 😁
                  I like my Kettle and toaster to match too , in colour at least , we have several Ninja Appliances and we bought the Ninja Kettle but I couldn’t justify the price of the Ninja toaster not for what it was so bought a black one from Asda 😁

                  Hope you get into the garden today , it’s overcast here but said the sun will come out later .

                  Iveplodded on and done my housework, B did the tops of the doors as he wouldn’t let me get the step ladders out ,
                  Got the lights in the washer and now recovering with a cup of tea .
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Lizzie, pleased to hear the falls clinic was helpful. My problem is getting up after a fall.

                    Gemini, poor you, I hope the sickness was a one off so you can celebrate S’s birthday.

                    Nanto, good luck with your shopping. There are some lovely sets of Conservatory furniture in garden centres.

                    All quiet next door, decorator will not be there today, not sure about H. Garden lady finished now, I am finding it really hard to keep my hands off the garden, well apart from deadheading. We have so many bluebells and they are encroaching into a border, that is my first job when my arm/shoulder are better, if it ever will be.

                    I didn’t know you could buy frozen dumplings either. My mother used to make the lightest dumplings.

                    Overcast here, we had a lot of strong wind yesterday.

                    Daisy, I am sure your Dil will be pleased to see you on her birthday.

                    Oma, what a lovely surprise to have a visit from family and Finn. Once they get going babies find life more interesting but you have to have eyes in the back of your head as they say. It is an adorable age.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Hello Ladies,I have kept up to date on everyone's news you have all been busy this week.

                      I have been over to Liverpool and the atmosphere is just electric to say the least so many artists out and about the visitors are all so friendly.
                      In Bold Street I saw Sam Ryder walking with his friends his hair is amazing longer than mine I was so jealous,his suit from last year is on display here loads of people having pic's taken next to it.
                      DD & partner went over last night and had a really good time at the Euro Village it was free entrance for them they then went off for a meal at one of their favourite restaurants.Tickets for tonights final have all been sold so there should be a really good crowd in The Arena.

                      This week I have slowly cleared tubs & ots from the back garden ready for the man who is going to take down the shed I have been gifted 4 x reclining garden chairs by DDs friend and as soon as the space is cleared from the shed I will put the glass table & the chairs in pride of place

                      Jim next door is still in Hospital the powers that be are still looking for a care home for him his niece is keeping me up to date,they where going to send him home but she made such a fuss it was unrealistic as he needs 24/7 care he is sitting in a chair and his niece said he seems brighter this week he is obviously enjoying the company of other people and the conversations he can have,he is a very knowledgeable man.

                      To-day is my DGDs 5th birthday my DS went to pick her up at 9am this morning to bring her here he was to have her back by 10am which I think was mean of her mummy neither of us or DD and her cousins on our side have been invited to her party at the soft play centre so I must keep my thoughts to myself once again,I adopted Tiny Tim the donkey for her for 12mths and bought her The Connie Doll from the Argos advert she is so excited about her, so a happy little girl has gone home now.

                      All the housework done now and just hung the whites out to dry in the sun the weather is beautiful today after the rain yesterday I was in and out 3 times bringing in drying it finally stopped raining altogether at about 4pm.

                      Must get moving again before I seize up in this chair and can't get moving again.

                      Enjoy the week-end
                      Glamma xx

                      Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


                        Glam I have seen the photos of your DD in Liverpool , looked like they were having a ball and so busy around them 😁
                        Must be so exciting for everyone .

                        poor Jim but he really can’t go back home can he and maybe this is what he needs company and someone to chat too as well as being looked after ,
                        Homes are not for everyone but I did read a article I think it had something to do with Age UK , and a lady who was very lonely and frail blossomed when she was put in a very nice care home ,
                        She said she hadn’t been so happy for a long time .

                        Bet Your little GD will be very pleased with her Connie doll it is a beautiful doll lovely long hair ,
                        Shame these mothers are so spiteful but not a lot you can do is there .

                        B is up the ladders at the moment clearing the gutters on my utility , it’s like a small extension on the back of the house so it’s low , I used to be able to do it but I’m not good with heights and I wobble on ladders now so it would be like something from a carry on film if I tried it

                        The sun is out and you can hear everyone out with the lawn mowers ,
                        Im off todo a little ironing now .

                        Gem how are you feeling lv xxx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          I haven't gone for the meal. I've been in bed all day. I'm in the bath now and am going to get into
                          clean PJs and go downstairs for a change of scene. All I have had all day is sips of water, one water biscuit and an ice lolly. They have all come back. These things just run their course don't they?
                          DD3 and baby had something similar last weekend. I didn't see the baby until Thursday so I would have expected him to be non infectious by then though.

                          I insisted OH go to celebrate her birthday. I don't need any assistance to be sick! The table was booked for 6.30 so she won't be late back.

                          Glamma, Liverpool is the place to be this weekend. I bet there is a wonderful atmosphere.

                          Sunny here too this afternoon Oma.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly Gem,hope it passes soon.

                            I think we are going to have to further afield looking for new furniture.
                            Not my favourite job looking for new things.
                            I like having new things and think we are lucky we can have them.
                            It's a job that might take a while.
                            New kettle and toaster being delivered tomorrow.

                            Daisy,hope DIL has had a lovely birthday.

                            Glamma, hope DGD has had a lovely day as well.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              hope you have a restful night and the symptoms are easing now xx

                              Nanto it's nice having new things but such a faff finding what you like isn't it .

                              Well we decided to watch the Euro vision contest as we have never done so since I think Bucks fizz won , now I know why we don't, my god its grim so far I don't think we will be watching much more .
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Glamm, I can imagine the atmosphere in Liverpool tonight, although I have to say I've only seen 3 entries. Two were quite pleasant, one was awful, but it's the 'occasion' isn't it, and the crowd creates its own excitement. How say your DGD's mother is so spiteful about her little girl seeing her Daddy and family on her birthday. It's good to hear Jim is a little better, and perhaps he'll see now that a good care home is what he needs both for care and company, but no doubt he'll miss your Sunday roasts. Your garden is going to look great when you've finished all the changes.

                                Gem, I do hope by tomorrow you'll be feeling back to normal, but it's such a pity you missed OH's birthday meal. Take care. xx

                                Nanto, I hope you find what you want on your next shopping trip. I think DIL has had a busy birthday. We ended up not going over to see her as GD1 wasn't feeling very well. But we had a nice long chat on the phone this evening. They were going to take the girls to the fair this afternoon, but decided to leave it till tomorrow in the hope GD1 will feel ok then. We'll probably go over when they get back.

                                Oma, I'm so glad you've decided ladders aren't for you. You really shouldn't be doing high level acrobatics until after the angiogram! In fact, probably better to get someone in to do jobs like that. xx

                                We've had a glorious sunny day today and we've spent most of it gardening. It's surprising how long things take, but we've done some planting, some weeding and I've started to plant up some pots.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

