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    Good morning, everyone. It's sunny here and quite pleasant, but still a bit of a breeze.

    I'm sorry I didn't get back on here to post yesterday. The day ran away with me - nothing exciting, just time consuming. I will write about it later. I haven't been up long, so I need to get showered and dressed.

    Oma - thanks for the reminder - we need to put our glass box out this morning.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Up but not dressed, hairdresser coming at 10.30 so I will shower and wash my hair just before she comes. GD1's partners birthday today, I have just been next door to see him open his presents. Must put some washing on, DD has finished with the washing machine now.

      A better sleep for you Oma, shoot those cats. Hope you feel better for it. Strange you sister has a cold considering she has not been mixing.

      I will pop back later when there are a few more posts.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Trying to catch up, but please forgive me if I don't comment on all the posts.

        Nanto - those pies look very professional. I always use my food processor for pastry. It's much quicker and easier than the Kenwood thingy.

        All this talk of pine disinfectant and TCP has given me the urge to get disinfecting with something other than bleach. I don't like the smell of bleach at all.

        Gem - enjoy your day with GS1. I hope S manages to play her round of golf before the rain starts.

        Plant - I hope you're taking it easy today - you did a week's worth of work in a day yesterday.

        Oma - I'm glad you caught up on sleep a bit last night, in spite of those noisy moggies. I hope your sister is ok. I've heard of one or two people getting colds lately, even when they have been shielding. It's odd, isn't it.

        I haven't got much done yet today. OH has been having trouble with his computer and it's taken me a while to try and unravel what he did, and I'm not at all sure I've got it right now. I'm learning more about Windows than I really want to know!

        The sun's still shining, and I think I'll go and do some painting after lunch. There are lots of jobs waiting indoors, and in the garden, but I don't feel like doing them. So they can wait.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          I think I must go out to show my newly cut hair to the world. My hairdresser wore a shield, very difficult for her but much better than a mask. She also had a portable sterilliser for her tools. Feel very light headed now.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Plant, our hairdresser is coming on thursday, oh boy am i glad.

            Been a lot cooler today,we have got the heating on again.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Well I decided we would go to Aldi tonight instead of tomorrow as I have to go in lockdown again .

              OMG was I stressed . Went at 7 and although it was very quiet not one person in there had a mask on and people were just walking across each other , I couldn't wait to get out I ended up with a stress headache .

              I did get lots of stuff I haven't been able to get since lockdown but even when I can go back I won't be in a hurry too
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Oma - it must be the worst Covid-related stress when other people are being so careless! Did you see the pictures of all those people having a night out in Soho at the week-end? Madness!

                I hope your stress headache has eased off. Even getting stuff that you have run out of isn't worth it, is it! I still haven't braved the garden centre yet.

                Nanto - it's been quite pleasant here today - I sat out in the garden a bit this afternoon. I hope the weather picks up for you tomorrow. I think we've got two days of rain before we see the sun again.

                Plant - are you pleased with your new hairdo? I'm sure it was very tiring but nice to get it done.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Raining again. Can always find something to do inside i suppose.

                  Cod in parsley sauce,mashed potatoes and swede and sweetcorn for dinner.

                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning Nanto and followers.
                    It’s raining here .No surprise there!
                    I looked out of the window about six o’ clock and saw my neighbour brandishing a long stick and trying to persuade a group of cows out of a couple of gardens and shooing those nibbling hedges out of our cul de sac! I should have gone and helped her but she seemed to have the situation under control. I might add cows are allowed to roam here ,supposedly on the golf links and cliffs but do wander up residential roads occasionally. They have to walk through the village to get from the links to the cliffs and often hold up the traffic as well as leaving little presents all over the place.

                    No plans for today.Another long day stretching out in front of me. Lots I could be doing but absolutely no motivation. There’s always cupboards etc. to sort but to be honest I can’t be bothered. I still feel sometimes as if I’m in a dream.

                    Of course I have DD and family on my mind. As I said last night GS F has to have an to put metal plates in his arm after his trampoline accident. They are awaiting a phone call to say when to go in He should have been going in to school today. DD put a picture of F on Facebook and he looked really unhappy and pale.

                    I must get a move on .I hope you all have a good day.Special thoughts for Enfys.x


                      Good morning all.

                      Nan2, I like the sound of the dinner!
                      Clover, it's such a shame about your poor GS. Two of my GC have a trampoline and GD is very adventurous on it. I live in fear of an accident like that. F would been in pain and still in shock, I'm sure given a day or two he will feel lot better and look forward to his cast removing.
                      Oma that did sound stressful. Masks are not mandatory for shops, just public transport and we don't see many people wearing them. No one should push and reach over each other though. It's madness. I hate hearing about all the people out and about at night now disregarding any social distancing rules. Where we live we have seen nothing at all, but our hairdresser told us York at night is like that now. We will be staying clear.

                      This morning our friends C and P are coming for coffee. Outside if it stays fine, inside if not. No other plans, though we may go for a walk this afternoon it it's fine.

                      Take care everyone. Love to anyone needing it.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good morning Nanto and Clover and all who call in later.

                        It's dull and overcast here and I'm sure we'll get some rain, so it looks like a day indoors for me as well.

                        Clover I can totally relate to your cows problem! The road we live in now has cattle grids at each end, but previously we lived on the open forest and if you left your gate open all the animals would make a bee-line for your tasty plants.

                        I can understand you having no motivation to do cupboards etc - apart from the awful sadness of losing Gerald you're probably still recovering from exhaustion which must have built up over the last couple of years. Be kind to yourself - all those jobs will wait till you're ready to do them. My thoughts are with F - poor little lad. I hope everything goes well for him today.

                        Enfys - you're in my thoughts too. Sending hugs. xxx

                        No plans here, but I might (only might) try and get the wretched ironing done. If the rain's not too bad we'll take Eva to the paddock. That's about it, I think.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning ladies .

                          Daisy no ironing on your Anniversary it's the law

                          Clover poor F that was always my fear with the trampoline for the boys that one would get hurt ,boys are so adventurous on them not thinking of any danger . Hopefully his op puts him right and he feels more comfortable poor lad xx

                          Gem I must admit it was a bit scary but it's done once I can get out again maybe won't be as bad next time I know what to expect . Hope you have a lovely afternoon and it stays fine sun is peeking out here so maybe it's a good sign for rest of day

                          Nanto dinner sounds lovely only the parsley sauce I'm not keen on but the rest is yummy

                          Pottered on this morning up at 4 but went back at 7 and had another hour . Just damp dusted bedrooms and hoovered while B hoovered garden for me .

                          Did my usual chat with my sister we text every morning just to see how we are and what the day holds , her cold is a lot better today than yesterday .
                          Then chatted on text with DD she's popping to Sainsbury's for my Yoghurt's for me I'm fussy about what type I like

                          It's a nice morning I'm hoping it lasts

                          I will pop on later see how everyone is, thinking of Dear Enfys as P xxc
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            It's still overcast here but very humid. We took Eva to the paddock and it looked like rain so took rain coats, but it would have been far too warm to wear them! I've swerved the ironing- thank you for reminding me of the no-ironing law, Oma! and am just off to the summerhouse to slosh some more paint about.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              It's brightened up a bit here.
                              We popped to the Coop to send a parcel.
                              Had a cuppa when we got home,then i changed the bedding.
                              Said bedding has been washed and all upstairs has been cleaned.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                That does sound like a nasty break Clover, hope the op is over and he is resting in bed. Daisy is right, you must have a build up of stress. cows in the street, how funny, we only get deer and foxes.

                                I have been to a large garden centre this afternoon, very few people there and only about two of us wearing masks. I wanted a pair of ratchet pruners as my wrist isn't very strong now. Of course I didn't only come out with them, I added a white/cream alstroemeria and 2 hardy geraniums.

                                Oma I find it a bit scary going into food shops (only been in our small local shop so far) but was not to anxious in the garden centre, mostly it is outdoors, very few people there and they were all keeping their distance from each other.

                                I have been invited along with five other ladies from WI to attend another member's house for coffee next week. Hope it is fine so we can be outside.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

