Well its as I expected hes deaf as a post
I have been nagging him for months to get tested as he already has tinnitus and im constantly repeating myself to him , Drives me insane ,
He struggles to hear in a room full of people too ,
Anyway he needs two hearing aids going to cost almost £3000 but worth every penny if I don't have to keep repeating and shouting all the time ,
He has insisted for a long time his hearing was fine but I have known it wasn't , yet again I was proved right ( Im not gloating mind at being right … well yes I am )
This man is dropping to bits hahaha
I have been nagging him for months to get tested as he already has tinnitus and im constantly repeating myself to him , Drives me insane ,
He struggles to hear in a room full of people too ,
Anyway he needs two hearing aids going to cost almost £3000 but worth every penny if I don't have to keep repeating and shouting all the time ,
He has insisted for a long time his hearing was fine but I have known it wasn't , yet again I was proved right ( Im not gloating mind at being right … well yes I am )
This man is dropping to bits hahaha