Yesterday a friend and I went to see this exhibition at our local art gallery.
It was lovely to see the The Water-Lily Pond painting and find out more about Claude Monet and see other works by artists of his era, and Japanese artists who he also took inspiration from.
I learned that he was an avid gardener, and was particularly fond of water lilies.
An amusing incident.
An Australian lady, perhaps around my age or a bit younger, said to me 'But this isn't the real painting is it?'. I said I was sure it was. She looked very doubtful. The young lady who was on guard duty watching over the painting at that time confirmed that it was and that is was loaned from Paris on a scheme, along with other works of art to other museums and galleries.
'Well' said the lady 'I think they should have a sign up saying this is the real original painting!'
I said that I had come here because it was the original and that was the basis of the exhibition. She then went on about how reckless it was to have it there where anyone could touch it (there is someone with it all at all times) Strange reaction I thought! Everyone else was fully aware of what we were seeing
This is my photo of it! It is much smaller than you probably imagine. The other pic is for scale so you can see the size.
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