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Why does everything have to be booked online!

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    Why does everything have to be booked online!

    I am a fan of doing things online. We all are to an extent or we wouldn't have met!
    I'm not too keen on the phone and prefer to book things online given the choice.
    However this does not apply to everyone. It seems to be the case that it is increasingly difficult to book some things without the use of the internet, and a smart phone to show your code when you get to wherever you have booked.

    I am planning to restart (after many years) aquafit classes. These are held at the pool at at big new stadium, which was finished not long before the pandemic.
    One of OHs golf friends was with us last Sunday and I found out that she would like to go too. What was stopping her was that you have to book online and she is not internet savvy, and her phone is a very un-smart one.

    No problem I said, I will book for us both.
    You can only book a few days ahead, so when the booking opened yesterday for the class next Wednesday I tried to book. And tried and tried. It would only let me book for myself.

    I wanted to to have a look at the pool today anyway. I have been to the building as it is where we go to blood taking, and have I been to the adjoining cinema once with GS1. I hadn't been to the pool area. It looks very nice.

    While we were there we tried to get to the bottom of the booking problem.
    Everyone has to book for themselves, and it seems there is no facility for booking, apart from online or in person on the day. As most of the spaces are booked already there almost certainly won't be any left to book on the day.
    Eventually the receptionist reserved a place in the class for our friend and noted it in the book. She will have to go to reception and pay on Wednesday. This is a faff as she can only do that as I went in today. Only members can book a week ahead, so she won't even be able to reserve a place for next week herself after the class on Wednesday.
    The receptionist said she would speak to her senior and see if they could come up with a solution to this.

    I will let you know.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Blimey Gem, what a palaver.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Gem, it seems the way things are heading we will have a new class of people who are discriminated against - those who (for whatever reason) are not online.

      I wonder if these people will be protected by any of the anti-discrimination legislation - I suspect the answer to that is "no"!

      Crazy world.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Gem, it is the same here, we can go to the pool as we are "members" with a pass, but we need our injection passport, which is on the phone, and our ID to get in, to go to the gym we book in on the site, using the phone then use the passport and ID to get in.

        The immigrant lady that goes swimming with us had no injection code with her, apparently a new phone and her son hadn't installed it, you have to go to the site of the government to get it installed. She had to come home again.

        The man I was telling you about that goes to the gym, he lost his wife, he has the brain damage and can't use a phone, he has his code printed out for him but must have his ID with him, a copy of that is not allowed, even though they know him really well etc they are not allowed to let him in. He didn't have it with him a few weeks ago and didn't really understand why he couldn't be allowed in, now I see his DS and DIL arrange all that for him now that he is on his own.

        It is a world of codes on our phones etc. I often feel for the ones that haven't moved on with the technology.

        The decorators were busy here on my balcony the other day, he had to fill a gap in before painting, he came and asked me what number my house was? I told him and asked him why, he showed me the app from his work and explained it to me, if they do any extra work? they have to take a photo, fill it in on my house number on the app, with a photo, then that goes to the head office!


          Lizzie - the bureaucracy that has been generated by Covid regulations is frightening! Heaven help those who can't cope with all these codes and passes etc.
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            What if all the internet was down , this world would come to a stand still except for those who don't use it , they will be the only ones who can survive without it .

            My Sister can't even get photos on her phone its so old she doesn't do internet or tech stuff at all ,
            If it wasn't for her two DDs she wouldn't even be able to order her medication .

            These people are not taken into account with all these apps are they .
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, that is the sort of phone my friend who is coming to aquafit has . No camera, nothing. She has a tablet but can't really use it!
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem my sister doesn’t even have a tablet , DDs have lap tops but she wouldn’t even know how to turn them on
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  I often wonder what would happen if the whole internet went up in a puff of smoke. We are so dependent on it these days.
                  I've tried to explain to GCs what the world was like before computers and then the internet. It's totally beyond their comprehension.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)

