Josh has been offered a football Scholarship to a sports academy in September but he's not sure he wants to take it , at 11 he wants to go to secondary school with his friends , The school he wants to go to and has a place at is 10 minutes up the road and also a sports academy but not as focused on Football , The sports academy he has been approached by is a good 30 minutes away and will focus on his football more , we all feel at 11 it's a big decision for a child to make ,DD and SIL will stand by what he wants but would prefer he didn't go as DD said this is just one opportunity if it's meant to be he will get more and be more mature so can decide then , we had a chat with him and he said he thinks he will pick his local school as he knows his education is just as important .
It's an amazing offer we all know that but want him to be happy in his choice
It's an amazing offer we all know that but want him to be happy in his choice