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What do you feed the grandchildren?

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    What do you feed the grandchildren?

    I wondered what others gave their grandchildren to eat?
    Once in a while isn't problem, but when you feed them every week it can be a challenge not to just dole out the same old thing!

    My older grandson, 6, is here for lunch and tea once a week in the school holidays. In term time it is mostly food left by his mum at his house for me to give him for tea, but he does come here after school sometimes. He is so easy to feed. A vegetarian who dislikes eggs, all he wants are cheese sandwiches with lots of cucumber , red pepper and carrot sticks on the side for lunch, and spinach and ricotta tortellini for tea. He would have tortellini every night if his mum would let him!

    My 9 year old granddaughter is fairly easy to feed, but dislikes cheese She will eat a non-too-cheesy pizza though, and I do grate and hide cheese into pasta dishes and her beloved tuna sandwiches! She likes egg or ham sandwiches too, and most main meals.
    Her 2 year old brother, some of you may remember was very fussy eater, although is a lot better now. He eats cheese or cheese spread sandwiches or a mini pizza for lunch when with me. Other sandwiches would be viewed with suspicion and rejected
    For his main meal he likes pasta, and like his cousin, tortellini (if in the right mood!) He likes fish fingers, sausages to a lesser extent , those smiley face potato things, and baked beans. He will eat the odd pea or bit of carrot!
    I have GS2 here for lunch and both of them for tea, each Friday. Sometime I do fish fingers etc for him while giving GD something more healthy, and often I do a pasta dish for them both. I am thinking of doing sausage and mash for them both (and us too) this Friday, with baked beans for GS as he probably won't eat any vegetables. He may not eat mash either, but loves Yorkshire puddings so I will do those too!

    Do you vary the food you offer your GC, or just give them the same thing which you know they like?

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

    Gem - you're much more adventurous with feeding your GCs than I am!

    During term time I don't have to feed them very often, but during school holidays I give the GDs lunch each day. One day we have something like egg and chips, or fish fingers and chips with peas and sweetcorn. One of them doesn't like baked beans. GD1 loves eggy bread, and GD2 likes making it but won't eat it!

    All 4 of them will eat pasta, thank goodness, and they all like a roast dinner and will eat sandwiches, even though DS1's have to be jam! Three of them like sausage and mash, provided the sausages are the 'right' ones. The boys will eat wraps - chicken and salad, even though they're not keen on salad any other way. DS1 likes asparagus wrapped in parma ham, he loves prawns as well. GS2 won't eat anything that has been anywhere near an onion or a tomato.

    I've got used to catering for the gluten-free needs for 3 of them and dairy-free as well for GS1.

    When they were younger I used to worry more about giving them a healthy meal, but it's not healthy if they don't eat it, so I give them what they will eat! I do find it hard to remember all their likes and dislikes though, so when the boys are staying I ask their mum for ideas.
    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      I think good fish fingers are not unhealthy , my GS2 likes pasta and chicken so I ask what he wants and he says he wants the usual ! I do chicken breast in breadcrumbs and plain spaghetti , he then looks for the tomato sauce , but I do monitor the quantity . DD3 brings her 3 dds and caters for them as they are all different . Mainly she cooks meat/chicken and plenty veg , some eat the veg , some the meat , but basically it is one meal to cook


        My GC used to like eggy bread but GS 3 and 4 loved chicken strips in breadcrumbs fried and a sweet and sour sauce poured over them. always fond of a casserole of some sort.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          I agree Aggie, I buy good quality fish fingers, and like them myself
          It is the Smiley Faces (reconstituted potato) and always baked beans rather than a veg I find less healthy.

          Daisy, you have your work cut out, considering the gluten free etc!
          Roast dinner works for 2 of mine, but veggie GS1 prefers his vegetables uncooked, so there is not much of a roast dinner he can eat or likes! If we have the family here for a Sunday roast I tend to also put bowl of tortellini on the table
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            GS1 is hear twice a week term time and 3 days a week holidays ,
            He must have a roast at least once a week and it has to have Sprouts ( lots of them) Broccoli , Carrots and cabbage , Yorkshire pud's and thick gravy ,
            Other meals he loves is cheesy pasta he likes 3/4 different cheeses on in layers , prefers extra mature cheddar , Mozzarella parmesan and any other cheese we have in ,
            Also loves a Ham and cheese toasty in a Baguette with tomato sauce on , or Chicken stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon with veg or chips ( you can tell he loves cheese )

            Other two when they come for tea love Nanas Mcdonalds , I have little cardboard lunch boxes I fill with chips and chicken breast nuggets and I always have some party bag toys to put in
            They are big fans of Cucumber too , GS2 when we had him full time would eat smoked Salmon like it was sweets straight out of the packet ,

            All three love Sushi too
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              When youngest GD was little,she ate what we ate,always been a good little eater.
              If she was having sandwiches,she always asked for tuna/mayo.
              The only thing she didn't get here was pasta. Neither me or hubby like it,so i don't buy it.
              Now she is older,she has full size meals,more than i eat.
              When it is the school holidays she loves to have fish and chips with us.
              She also loves a roast dinner,must take after me.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Gem im a big fan of Fish fingers either in a sandwich or with beans
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  My DD looks after GGS on a Wednesday, he loves an omelette and what he calls bosh (butternut squash). He will eat soup, yogurt, stewed apple and custard
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    It sounds great at yours Oma, I'm coming round
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Your all amazing grandmas I think , it’s hard work sorting them out, in the school hols it’s 3 meals breakfast lunch and tea here,breakfast is ok they choose weetabix, shreddies and in the winter porridge is a choice too then toast after, fruit in the morning and lunch J doesn’t eat sandwiches of any kind so have to plate him up veg sticks fresh fruit, beans on toast, spaghetti on toast egg on toast lol lots of toast at our house, he eats only Heinz tomato soup with toast or croutons . Tea time he loves a Sunday roast type meal all 3 do, broccoli which I can’t stand , yorks pud and grandads special gravy, the twins like a mild curry, I can get extra veg in then and disguise it with the curry flavour .Eldest g/d likes a ham sandwich , bacon and egg sandwich, not overwhelmed with pasta but likes macaroni cheese , the twins don’t like cheese . Sometimes they eat something and like it the next week “ I don’t like that “ or I’ve gone off that 😮 Sausages go down well with all three providing you cut off both ends of the sausage 🤷‍♀️
                      They all like a pud though, sponge and custard, rice pud home made , chocolate mousse, I wouldn’t give them it unless mummy says it’s ok 👍🏻 For the first 3 years they drank only water and milk , now a cup of tea doesnt go amiss, but neither drink dilute or any form of pop , J will have the odd small glass of beer well it’s coke really but just the one , M likes sweet corn J doesnt , he likes likes peas and Im likes both, the odd chocolate mini roll is consumed but only the jam ones I go into panic mode if they don’t have them in the supermarkets overall they are quit normal children with their own likes and dislikes I suppose .
                      Much easier when I bring them home from school as they have a dinner at school so the beans and soup kick in then 😬


                        Originally posted by Oma View Post
                        Gem im a big fan of Fish fingers either in a sandwich or with beans

                        Oma - my DS1 when he was a teenager, used to have fish finger sandwiches for breakfast! Your GS1 must eat you out of house and home!

                        Nanto - how lovely to have a good eater! My GD1 was when she was little - as a baby she loved puree'd turnip - but as she's got older she's developed quite a few likes and dislikes!

                        Aggie - it's been my dream to cook one meal for how ever many children I'm feeding!

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          I think I'm lucky as the boys will eat most things, well O would eat a Elephant if you put it down to him he turns his nose up at Nothing 😊 J has a few things he doesn't like he's not a pudding lover more savoury person , S is a bit of a fuss pot though I don't have her for meals very often so just give her what she likes
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Qwerty, I don't blame you not cooking as they have a cooked meal at school. Sometimes as GD has a cooked lunch at school I give GS his main meal at lunch time so they can both have sandwiches or beans on toast for tea. Still have to cook though until little one reaches school age
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              You GMs deserve a medal.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

